The discrepancy between what you feel you are and how others see you can be something one just needs to equalize. How nice of the channeler to make this possible for him. And while it might not have been the highest-consciousness message, a fine piece of authentic non-performative spirituality it surely was.
It is great to have you on the light side helping out folks like us. Since you are military advisor could you maybe share a fleet update with us folks down here on the planet. We dont want to be left so much in the dark about this. Many of us dont know how things up there are standing. Thanks.
I think one of the best things about trying this long and painful road is that you find there's a whole galaxy of beauty and depth and interesting things about yourself that you didn't know, and when you know that, you realize the same is true of other people, and then the whole universe becomes so much more interesting and meaningful than it did before. There's huge meaning in a former terrible person changing and helping people. It means, for one thing, that all of us always have a choice and we can choose to be a good person, or more of one than yesterday, if we just try.
To miss the darkness is your free will, however the spiritual journey can teach you that when you hurt another, you’re hurting self and thus Source and to dive into the root causes of your desires.
I find most of these messages are heartfelt however the emotional charge of this message didn’t land well as there are unhealed emotions wrapped in.
Sure the spiritual journey is rough, but we also have free will and can become aware that all experiences are worth the soul expansions they offer whether “good or bad”.
It’s hard, but ITS WORTH IT. We came here for this and we will continue this journey in our highest light. No performative spirituality either.
Mindfully observing whatever one is experiencing is a spiritual practice to help disidentifying with experience and instead identify with the ‘I am’ observer who is more than anything observed and is unaffected by it. As long as we’re experiencing an effect, we are still observing from the mind as a separate self consciousness. However, that is not the nature of the ‘I am’ observer who is Love. Pain shows us where we are misidentified. We don’t need to do a spiritual practice that is painful. We need to realize that if we are experiencing pain, that is showing us that we are in the separate mind and not in the transcendent loving Self who we really are. Then we can turn to Christ who is our loving Self and rest in him, focusing on what he is telling you and what you are becoming aware of. This is different from the initial experience and is what we really should be giving our attention to. Therefore observing the experience is just the first step in getting in touch with your Christ Self and expressing what that Self would share in Love. In other words, mindfulness for the separate self must transition to Self awareness and expression of the ‘I am’ Self. That is my approach at any rate.
I like R'Kok. I get that he was a serious SOB previously - but he's one of the few beings who talks plainly without a lot of repeated flowery language. As Hakaan I think mentioned - many ETs feel the need to repeat the same ideas and phrases over and over and over.
Id much rather hear what life is REALLY like and not the pie in the sky version.
I feel we're pretty screwed here - no one is willing to step up - everyone looking at everyone else - and we remain taking all the hits. Ive kind of resigned myself that we may never see the ending we had envisioned. R'Koks touch of reality helps me cope with that.
Things are shit - it seems theyre gonna stay shit for some time - it what it is - it sucks - but thats the way it is.
WOW .... He just confirmed my spiritual journey.All the hurdles and it's darkside...Now i know that i am not the nuts guy.It's by design.Now i know that all my problems are "normal" and my life is ruined by design...It suppose to ruin your life...Meh..
The discrepancy between what you feel you are and how others see you can be something one just needs to equalize. How nice of the channeler to make this possible for him. And while it might not have been the highest-consciousness message, a fine piece of authentic non-performative spirituality it surely was.
Да Я постоянно перепрыгиваю от Света к тьме,ну и что???Опыт приобрел хороший,могу осветить тьму,зажгя в ней огонек.
Могу погрузиться во тьму,а дальше,что?
Но я выбрал Свет.
Да я просто знаю,что опыт таких,как я будет востребован в Галактике.Просто переключаясь от Света к тьме.
Но я точно знаю,что Свет - от Создателя,а тьма - его ошибка,когда творил первую вселенную.
Не буду писать длинных и очень умных статей,я думаю.что ум этих людей заводит их не туда,куда надо.
Выражения Души - просты.
И не надо слишком много интелектуальности,надо быть проще.Это девиз на Гайе - "Будь проще и люди к тебе потянуться"
Знайте это,братья из Космоса,я вас так называю.
Я понимаю,что мы все - искры Создателя и есть Единство.
Но когда ты живешь в этом Аду,так совсем не кажеться и не удивляйтесь,что человеки не понимают таких вещей.
Слишком сильное программирование и с этим вы не справитесь.
Я даже не в силах понять,каким образом можно исправить келовеков,это Не Возможно!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is great to have you on the light side helping out folks like us. Since you are military advisor could you maybe share a fleet update with us folks down here on the planet. We dont want to be left so much in the dark about this. Many of us dont know how things up there are standing. Thanks.
I think one of the best things about trying this long and painful road is that you find there's a whole galaxy of beauty and depth and interesting things about yourself that you didn't know, and when you know that, you realize the same is true of other people, and then the whole universe becomes so much more interesting and meaningful than it did before. There's huge meaning in a former terrible person changing and helping people. It means, for one thing, that all of us always have a choice and we can choose to be a good person, or more of one than yesterday, if we just try.
To miss the darkness is your free will, however the spiritual journey can teach you that when you hurt another, you’re hurting self and thus Source and to dive into the root causes of your desires.
I find most of these messages are heartfelt however the emotional charge of this message didn’t land well as there are unhealed emotions wrapped in.
Sure the spiritual journey is rough, but we also have free will and can become aware that all experiences are worth the soul expansions they offer whether “good or bad”.
It’s hard, but ITS WORTH IT. We came here for this and we will continue this journey in our highest light. No performative spirituality either.
Mindfully observing whatever one is experiencing is a spiritual practice to help disidentifying with experience and instead identify with the ‘I am’ observer who is more than anything observed and is unaffected by it. As long as we’re experiencing an effect, we are still observing from the mind as a separate self consciousness. However, that is not the nature of the ‘I am’ observer who is Love. Pain shows us where we are misidentified. We don’t need to do a spiritual practice that is painful. We need to realize that if we are experiencing pain, that is showing us that we are in the separate mind and not in the transcendent loving Self who we really are. Then we can turn to Christ who is our loving Self and rest in him, focusing on what he is telling you and what you are becoming aware of. This is different from the initial experience and is what we really should be giving our attention to. Therefore observing the experience is just the first step in getting in touch with your Christ Self and expressing what that Self would share in Love. In other words, mindfulness for the separate self must transition to Self awareness and expression of the ‘I am’ Self. That is my approach at any rate.
I like R'Kok. I get that he was a serious SOB previously - but he's one of the few beings who talks plainly without a lot of repeated flowery language. As Hakaan I think mentioned - many ETs feel the need to repeat the same ideas and phrases over and over and over.
Id much rather hear what life is REALLY like and not the pie in the sky version.
I feel we're pretty screwed here - no one is willing to step up - everyone looking at everyone else - and we remain taking all the hits. Ive kind of resigned myself that we may never see the ending we had envisioned. R'Koks touch of reality helps me cope with that.
Things are shit - it seems theyre gonna stay shit for some time - it what it is - it sucks - but thats the way it is.
WOW .... He just confirmed my spiritual journey.All the hurdles and it's darkside...Now i know that i am not the nuts guy.It's by design.Now i know that all my problems are "normal" and my life is ruined by design...It suppose to ruin your life...Meh..