Open letter to the 'Confederation of the Feline Aliens'. To be forwarded by somebody-


The Confederation of Feline Aliens.


The website on planet Earth with the web address 2012portal.blogspot.com is the 'Primary' channel of information of the Light Forces and also the Galactic Confederation.

It is to inform you that the Lightworkers of this website addressed 2012portal.blogspot.com are not allowing Human Beings to share Petitions calling for help from the Feline Collective. This is resulting in the Feline Confederation to not know the status of Human Opinions on the Earth.

The website link of my petition is given below-


Your Collective should know the truth as to how the Lightworkers of other Alien Races are monopolising and manipulating the Earth's Planetary Liberation by becoming puppets of the Galactic Councils and their Orion Masters, thereby killing humans through poverty and wars.

Thank you.

Yours Truly,

An Earth Human.

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Thank you for this inspirational advice concerning the re-harmonization of timelines during this transition period. When I walked-in, circa 1950's - even a minimal Triage solution was an uncertain strategy. My temporal 18month assessment mission has evolved into 65 years of unexpected extension. In the few years I have to remain in this human skinsuit, I would enjoy some private discussion. Could you message me on telegram? < 13Constant Gardner >. Perhaps we can assist one another to prototype and practice restoration actions on this once beautiful garden planet. As this final phase draws to a close.

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Congratulations, My radar indicates that you may experience a surge of viewership. As you have addressed (with a rare journalist accuracy) a proverbial, yet rarely spoken "elephant in the room". The issues related to the "legend of Trump" have built a financial empire for an army of internet influence'ers. These will not disappear calmly into the shadows, as groundless harassment and infighting is the true source of their income empires.

While you're all interested in "new and novel experiences", there is an aspect of wisdom which suggests you consider what/who is most productive and inspiring to focus upon. The legacy of the timeline you function within, the tragic history of endless timeline Wars of Attrition, indicates you could make wise choices about what "new & novel" experiences you participate within.

I speak to these issues, as it's my hope is that you can avoid the meritless disasters which have resulted in termination of those, who before you, have made attempts to share information to assist the development of Earth Human Sovereignty.

If you have further questions, you may ask about my mission parameters and concerns, as on board these ships their will be archivists who have specific knowledge pertaining to my function over billions of your earth cycles. This permission to inquire I grant to you only.

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Туния,Хаккан,Р,Кок вы Должны Освободить Нас,Меня не волнует,что вы там вычислили на своих компах.

Я думаю,что продержусь два года,и все,кто плачется,думаю продержаться ещё два года.

По крайней мере,мы же смогли ,я смог,выжить в аду.

Все смогли,мы просто Ноем,Освободите Нас,но если карта ляжет так,значит так и будет.

Не обращайте внимания на нытье.

Терпели,и ещё потерпят.

Я как рыба в воде,в этих энергиях,как и большинство Ноющих Людей,которые только и

думают,как их освободят от "тяжёлой ноши"наши галактические братья.

Не слушайте "нытиков",будем стоять до конца!Вам понятно!!!

Люди слабы,и только ищут утешения и поддержки,а если поддержки нет совсем?

Тогда,только Вера в Создателя и не надо ныть,это моя точка зрения.

Создай Свой Маленький Рай в аду.

Я всегда верил,в вас,в бога,я знаю,что вы спусковой крючок.Когда Создатель скажет-вперед!И вы двигаетесь;Я знаю,я с ранних лет очень интересовался инопланетной жизнью,я просто знал,что она есть.

Мне невероятно трудно донести до людей ваше присутствие

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