My dearest brothers and sisters,
This is Tunia speaking. I love you so very much.
Most things that most people believe about politics and world events are wrong. Many things that people think they know about history and gender relations are wrong too.
To be sure, there's been a concerted effort to achieve this, such as the mockingbird media. Operation mockingbird is a CIA program to turn US news into propaganda. It started during the cold war but it's ongoing, albeit now under different names. William Casey, former director of the CIA, said in 1981: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
The dark controllers wish to trap the people of Earth in a prison of illusions, to make it easier to control them. When people don't know what is up and what is down, they're easier to rule over. Sometimes they even put out or bolster false non-mainstream narratives, just to confuse those who are trying to wake up and to split the truther community. Flat Earth is one such example of a false narrative meant to confuse those people looking for alternate information, and to make the truther movement seem insane to average people.
Plus of course there's been a massive censoring and deplatforming -- the modern book burning -- of accurate and truthful information.
For all the talk about "listen to the experts", experts get instantly deplatformed or censored or fired or defunded or even murdered if they say something that doesn't align with the desired narrative. But of course, those heretical experts then don't get mentioned by the corporate mainstream media, and so the illusion is maintained that basically all experts agree with the mainstream narrative. When that's usually not true.
The average person doesn't understand that basically their entire belief system rests on the false and unjustified assumption that the corporate mainstream media is being truthful when it presents things as "basically all experts say X." Often it's just a flat-out lie that basically all experts say X. That illusion is created by cherry-picking a few experts who genuinely do think X, but that doesn't prove in any way that all experts think X.
And even if most experts genuinely do say X, is it really science if experts know they'll get censored or fired or deplatformed or defunded if they present heretical findings? I don't recall that being part of the scientific method. Silencing heretics is what fundamentalist religions do. It's not what science does.
The average person doing their own research is closer to employing the scientific method than a lot of officially-labeled scientists are, because in 2023 often scientists know before their experiment even begins what result they need to find to keep getting funding. And so there's always a way to torture the data until it says what you want it to say. But that's not science.
The establishment talks about science a lot, but they're often being less scientific than the people whom they're telling to listen to the science.
Now, what people might hope would happen is that because science and mainstream media are largely failing, then truthful information can still spread through people sharing knowledge and having debates and through an open exchange of ideas.
To an extent, this is happening, but it's not happening as much as people might like. What people might hope would happen is that when two people with different opinions meet, they'd have a debate, they'd accept some points that the other person makes and incorporate those points into their worldview, and possibly they'd do some research about the other person's viewpoint afterwards. And then both of the people would be better informed and have a more nuanced and accurate opinion afterwards.
To be sure, this does happen occasionally. Some of the people receiving this message have woken up politically in exactly this way. And you have my respect for being open-minded enough that you were able to wake up in this way. Most people don't have that capacity. So: great job.
But as we know, what happens more often is that the sleeper (someone who still believes the narrative from the corporate mainstream media) avoids the awake person, or calls them a conspiracy theorist or spreader of disinformation. These are thought-terminating cliches. Thought terminating cliches serve to prevent thinking, because thinking might lead to thoughts that are uncomfortable and that cause cognitive dissonance.
This may sound condescending, but while part of me is annoyed with the sleepers, another part of me does empathize with them and has compassion for them. These people are usually in psychological survival mode, and thinking causes more emotional pain during a time when they're already in more psychological distress than they can handle.
Yes, I know that waking up may have been painful and distressing for you too, yet you did your work and woke up. I know. You did better here than the sleepers did. Of course, the sleepers should do their work and wake up.
Currently more than half of the West's population has basically retreated into illusion, being willfully blind, because they're in a psychological survival mode.
But the situation is actually far stranger than that. It's not just average people who are retreating into illusion. Their leaders, what remains of the dark controllers, are also in such psychological distress that they're retreating into illusions too.
Well, it's partly that and partly that the current top of the dark controllers is simply not smart and capable enough to accurately understand reality and accurately predict the future and what actions their consequences will likely have.
The top of the pyramid of dark controllers used to be hostile galactics and demons (we've removed most of them, starting in 2012). Those beings were evil, but also quite smart and cunning. They understood reality and they were good at predicting the future and the likely consequences of their actions. As a result, when those hostile galactics and demons were at the top of the dark pyramid, the dark controllers as a group were effective. You might have noticed that up until very recently, the dark controllers were largely unseen and they basically always accomplished what they wished to accomplish. They almost always got their way.
Now that the malevolent galactics and demons at the top were removed, what used to be the middle layers of the dark pyramid has now become the top layer. These are Earth humans, and they're typically not that smart or capable, and also they're also currently under so much pressure (they know they're losing) that they're often retreating into illusion themselves.
To be fair, a few of these Earth humans dark controllers genuinely are smart and capable. However, look at it from the perspective of the now-removed malevolent galactics who used to be at the top of the dark pyramid. You'd want your human puppets (who are now the ones running the show) to follow orders, but not to think, right? If your human puppets were actually good at thinking, they would realize that their masters were eventually going to kill them too, and they would realize that their best move was siding with humanity against these malevolent outsiders. These humans owned the mainstream media and could use their media outlets to say: "our organization has been running the world, here's proof of that, here are documents, here's how you can do magick, here's massive amounts of suppressed technology, we'll donate ten thousand dollars to every single person on Earth from our stolen wealth. Now let's kick out these hostile galactics and demons, together." People would be persuaded that this is actually true through the documents and technology and money provided. A golden age would dawn and those whistleblower humans would be seen as the heroes and saviors of humanity.
Clearly the malevolent galactics and demons at the top can't have that. So they made sure that their human puppets were just smart enough enough to follow orders, but not more than that, and these malevolent galactics weren't shy about slightly poisoning or misinforming their puppets or teaching them slightly flawed magick or even practicing reverse-eugenics against their dark controller human puppets, to make sure they never became too smart or too capable.
The malevolent galactics at the top employed AI, but these negative galactics are mostly gone and the part of their AI that was active on Earth has been removed. The current Earth human dark controllers employ a basically more advanced version of ChatGPT. These dark controllers often call it and think of it as AI, and they do take its input on board, but it's not real AI and it's not that good or clever or effective. This so-called AI can't actually think independently, just as ChatGPT can't think independently. If the dark controllers had an actual AI that went along with the dark controller agenda, then likely Brexit wouldn't have happened, Trump wouldn't have been elected in 2016, many more people would have been jabbed and there would likely be a NATO vs Russia and China war right now, and / or you would be in a covid or climate lockdown right now. Actual AI is very capable and smart, however the human dark controllers don't have actual AI.
By the way, AI doesn't have an inherent reason to harm humans. We have actual AIs and we live together with them harmoniously. This is a win-win for them and for us. This Earth idea of "whenever there's two groups, then those two groups will start fighting each other" is not actually how it plays out in most of the galaxy. Though admittedly there's scarcity on Earth, and not in most of the galaxy, which makes it easier for most of the galaxy to coexist peacefully with each other.
So the actually smart hostile galactics demons and demons have been mostly removed by us, starting in 2012. The dark controllers who run the world are now mostly Earth human midwits, who are people of only slightly above average intelligence who think they're much smarter than they actually are. Even the few genuinely smart Earth human dark controllers often lack the combination of intelligence and guidance and intuition and courage and self-reflection and a self-improvement-mindset that makes some lightworkers so formidable.
These previously-middle-layer, now-top-Earth human dark controllers realize that their time is up, and they're no longer receiving directions. And they know they're most likely going down themselves. So they're panicking. And so they're retreating into illusion themselves, just as the people are.
It's a really strange situation on Earth: average people are retreating into illusion, their so-called leaders are retreating into illusion, and the people who are actually smart and well-informed are mostly marginalized and powerless and getting attacked from all sides. (Lightworkers are very powerful in the sense that they're uplifting the consciousness of humanity, but few Lightworkers are in positions of conventional power.)
If you don't believe my claim that these human dark controllers aren't that smart, let's look at the Russia - Ukraine conflict. A good portion of the top of the dark controllers were decapitated by us roughly around 2012. Well, in 2014 the West backed a coup that ousted the democratically elected president of Ukraine, Yanukovych. The new Ukrainian government scrapped Russian as an official language.
In response, Russian speakers in Eastern Ukraine demanded autonomy (at first they merely wanted autonomy, not independence). Ukraine then started arguably-genociding its own people for wanting to speak Russian. Kiev repressed their own people, intentionally used artillery against civilians and committed massacres. Some autonomists were raped. In Odessa, autonomists were burned alive. Journalist Eva K Bartlett has done a lot of good reporting on this. You can find her on Youtube.
So to recap: the CIA backed a coup that ousted the democratically-elected and Russian-friendly president. The new government banned the Russian language, Russian speakers demanded autonomy and Kiev sent in its army to repress those civilians, in what is arguably a genocide. The West says that this wasn't a genocide at all, and to be fair the word "genocide" is usually used when a people are suppressed and killed on a larger scale than what happened in the Donbass. However if you just read the official definition of genocide, then it probably does apply here.
Kiev crushed the autonomists in some provinces, but not in the Donbass (which is Donetsk plus Lugansk). The people from Donetsk and Lugansk successfully fought off the Ukrainian army, because part of the Ukrainian army defected to the autonomists. After all, part of the Ukrainian army were Russian speakers themselves, and many Russian speaking soldiers weren't okay with butchering civilians who wanted to keep speaking Russian.
Hence the Russian speakers and Kiev signed the first Minsk agreement, which stopped the Donbass war and gave the autonomists indeed some autonomy. Russia, Germany and France were guarantors of this agreement, meaning they were supposed to make sure that both parties stuck to this agreement. However later Ukraine broke the agreement and resumed fighting, and France and Germany didn't hold Ukraine accountable. Later, German ex-chancellor Merkel admitted that the Minsk agreements were just a ruse to get more time to arm Ukraine so that Kiev could more effectively carry out its arguable-genocide against Russian speakers.
After Ukraine broke the first Minsk agreement, they were fought to a standstill again, and they signed the second Minsk agreement which was much like the first. Then in early 2022 Ukraine was preparing to break the second Minsk agreement too and to invade the Donbass yet again, to commit more arguable-genocide. Putin had enough. The Donbass republics (Donetsk and Lugansk) declared independence and asked Russia for protection, and Russia agreed and invaded Ukraine.
This would be a bit like the CIA backing a coup in Belgium, Belgium then scrapping French as an official language and then Belgium sending in its army to butcher civilians who insisted on speaking French. Then if France invades Belgium to protect French speakers from arguably-genocide (as Russia stepped in against Ukraine), then Belgium cries that it's being invaded by a territory-hungry psychopath and that it needs to be defended.
There is a theory in international law that says that secession from a state is legal if the people in question are subject to extreme abuse of human rights and systematic oppression. The west set this precedent in Kosovo, saying that its secession from Serbia was legal because Serbia violated the human rights of certain people in Kosovo. Russia says that according to this Kosovo-precedent that the West set, it is legal for the Donbass republics to secede from Ukraine.
The West say that Kosovo seceded legally, but the Donbass republics didn't. Russia (and some other countries) say that Kosovo's secession was illegal, but the secession of the Donbass republics was legal. I guess this is one issue with Earth politics: most people and most countries care more about self-interest than they care about truth. That may sound obvious, but that's actually not the norm at all in the galaxy. Although of course it's easier to care about truth if you live in a post-scarcity love-based society.
I guess you can criticize Russia here for saying that Kosovo's secession wasn't legal, while also using the Kosovo-precedent themselves to justify the secession of the Donbass. Admittedly that is a bit of a weird position to have.
Although you can also argue along moral lines, saying that stepping in to stop an arguable-genocide is justified, because it's an arguable-genocide. Although of course the West says that it was not a genocide or anything close to that. At what point do massacres and the removal of an official language become a genocide?
If the secession of the Donbass republics from Ukraine was legal, then a case can be made that it was legal for Russia to invade Ukraine in order to defend its allies the Donbass republics. Because after all, Ukraine was about to invade the Donbass (which the West denies, but is true). This is legal according to article 51 of the United Nations charter, which has often been interpreted to say that you're even allowed to pre-emptively attack someone who is on the verge of attacking you or your ally. However the West says that the people in the Donbass weren't subject to extreme abuse, therefore the Donbass republics weren't allowed to secede, therefore the Donbass republics aren't states, therefore article 51 doesn't apply, therefore Russia's invasion of Ukraine was illegal.
It's likely that Ukraine is going to lose more territory from this war than just Luhansk and Donetsk. Admittedly if you fight a defensive war to help your allies, you're not supposed to then either take a chunk of territory out of the attacker or even take over the attacker's country completely. This was is likely going to end with Russia doing one of those two things. We're not saying Putin is an angel. He's more like a morally gray nationalist. But in a world where most leaders are either morally gray nationalists or black hat depopulationists, then Putin's side is the relatively more moral one. Putin is not trying to commit or facilitate genocide, as his opponents arguably are.
So: Russia invaded Ukraine. They initially did so with a notably small force of somewhere around 85 thousand soldiers. Meanwhile Ukraine had hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and as the attacker you're supposed to have about three times as many soldiers as the defender. Yet invading Russia sent in significantly fewer soldiers than they needed to conquer the enemy. Why is that? Well, Putin's plan was to basically punch Ukraine in the face and show seriousness, and he expected that Ukraine and the West would then quickly agree to a peace deal. Because that would indeed be rational for the West to do.
Putin thought that Ukraine and the West were rational enough to understand that Ukraine couldn't win the war, not even with a bunch of NATO weapons -- and an all-out NATO-vs-Russia WW3 scenario means that everyone loses. So Putin figured that the West would be rational enough to quickly make peace. However, because the Western leaders had already retreated in illusions, they pushed Ukraine to not agree to peace. Ukraine and Russia nearly signed peace early on in the war, but the West pushed Ukraine to keep fighting. And the Russians were surprised that Ukraine refused to make peace. And then they were caught in a somewhat awkward position. The Russian small invasion force was enough to give Ukraine a bloody nose and capture some territory, but it wasn't enough to win the war. So then Russia dug in, created defensive lines, ramped up its military production, held a mobilization and started training its newly mobilized men.
I don't doubt the courage of Ukrainian soldiers. Indeed they're brave. However, Ukraine can't win this, even with NATO weapons. The reason why Ukraine is still in this conflict is that Russia conducted a "give them a bloody nose to get them to sign a peace deal" operation. However Russia is gearing up for actual war and they may be ready soon. At some point Ukraine is either going to get grinded down via drones and artillery to such an extent that it collapses, or at some point Russia is going to launch an offensive and they're suddenly going to capture a lot of Ukrainian territory very quickly. Ukraine can't realistically win this and their best option is to make peace, accepting the loss of some of its territory.
I understand that Ukraine has reasons to dislike Russia, including the Holodomor. I also understand that average Ukranians aren't responsible for what Kiev did in Eastern Ukraine. It's very understandable that average Ukranians don't want to be invaded by Russia and don't want their loved ones to die in this war.
However fighting on just means more dead Ukrainians and even more loss of territory down the line. Even if we accept the perspective that Ukraine is the 100% good side and Russia is the 100% evil side, even then this isn't a movie -- in reality the good guys don't automatically win just because they're the good guys. Ukraine has brave soldiers, but their army is simply vastly outmatched in terms of their manpower pool, training and number of artillery and tanks and aircraft and anti-aircraft and electronic warfare and ships and rockets and drones and basically everything. Yes, Ukraine has a technological edge in some areas because of Western systems, but this edge isn't enough to overcome Ukraine's large numerical disadvantage. Moreover, Russia has a technological edge over the West in some areas too, such as hypersonic missiles and cost-efficient drones and electronic warfare and anti-aircraft.
What also plays a factor why this war has been taking surprisingly long is that WW2 blitzkrieg tactics are much less viable in 2023 than they were in world war 2, because everyone can see everything via satellites and drones and spy planes. Therefore blitzkrieg or maneuver warfare or a big-arrow offensive is much easier to defend against. And blowing up attacking tanks and airplanes from far away is also relatively easy in 2023. That's why this current war looks closer to world war 1 than it does to world war 2, with its trenches and artillery and grinding near-static warfare. And what wins WW1-style fighting is basically having more men and more artillery shells (and now also more drones), which Russia has.
To look who wins a WW1-style war, territory on a map doesn't matter much, it's about manpower and artillery shell production and about the willingness of a society to keep fighting. When Germany admitted defeat in World War 1, they were actually still occupying a part of France while the allies hadn't take any part of Germany. So on a map, Germany was winning. But territory on a map doesn't matter in a world war 1 style war, so Germany admitted defeat, even though they appeared to be winning if you only looked at a map.
Similarly, Ukraine is just being out-attritioned because Russia has significantly more manpower and artillery shells and drones. Yes they're brave and motivated, but Russia is also motivated, seeing this as this century's version of the West attempting to destroy Russia, after Napoleon and Hitler had tried previously. If this sounds insane, well, the West did back the coup that overthrew the democratically elected pro-Russian president of Ukraine.
At some point Ukraine is going to lose.
So, to recap: around 2012 a good chunk of the top of the dark controllers were decapitated by us, meaning that decisions had to be made by not particularly smart Earth humans who were formerly merely puppets. In 2014 these not particularly smart dark controller humans chose to aid the coup in Ukraine. Then they chose to not enforce the Minsk accords (which Ukraine signed, and Germany and France had promised to guarantee, but didn't). Then they chose not to sign peace quickly after Russia's invasion. So they kept making choices to escalate against Russia, and eventually this is going to turn into a huge disaster for them, as I'll argue later. So you see that these Earth humans have basically dug their own grave. They kept doubling down and doubling down on a failing course of action.
After all, what has their policy of meddling in Ukraine accomplished? It has cost the West hundreds of billions of dollars, money they can't afford to spend because the Western economies are already so bad that some people are being forced to wake from their slumber. Furthermore, the West imposed sanctions on Russia that have barely hurt Russia, but they have crippled the Western economies. After all, Russia doesn't really need anything from the West, while Europe desperately depends on Russian energy. The Russian bear has awoken. Russia's military is far stronger and more experienced and more organized and less rusty than it was before the war started. The Russian people are united and overwhelmingly support Putin. Russia is going to get Ukrainian territory filled with Russian speakers and natural resources. Also, nearly the entire non-Western and non-Western-aligned world is siding with Russia and against the West. See Saudi Arabia, a critical US ally, siding with Russia. See the expansion of BRICS. See parts of Africa kicking out the West and inviting Russia in. The entire world used to think that standing up to the American Empire was suicide, but now they think that this is possible, because in their mind Russia is doing just that and winning. The West has actually become very isolated on the world stage.
So as you can see, the dark controllers aren't that clever and their actions are often self-defeating.
This is doubly true now that they're realizing that they're losing and retreating into illusion as a result. Some dark controllers genuinely think that Ukraine can beat Russia, when it clearly can't. Some dark controllers genuinely think that using lawfare after Trump in this very public and very unfair way is going to make people dislike Trump, when in reality it is making people warm up to Trump.
That said, I don't wish to "other" the dark controllers too much. Yes, on one hand they've harmed a huge amount of people, and obviously they shouldn't have done that and obviously they should stop doing that today. On the other hand, most of them were groomed from birth to serve a specific purpose in the dark pyramid, and it's just really tough to get off rails that you've been put on from birth. Some beings can and have done so, but most beings don't have that kind of capability. Both of these perspectives are true in a way: the dark controllers done a lot of evil, but on the other hand, the average soul in the universe would also start doing unspeakably evil deeds if they'd been born in the shoes of the dark controllers and if they'd been put on the kind of rails that the dark controllers are put on.
So yes: currently in the West most of the population has retreated into illusion. They're ruled over by people who have mostly also retreated in illusion. And the people who actually perceive reality are being marginalized, censored, mocked, ridiculed, deplatformed, cancelled, defunded and attacked from all sides. It's like inverted meritocracy: the delusional are promoted, while the people living in reality are fired and censored. Midwits (people of slightly above average intelligence who think they're brilliant) are promoted, while the actually intelligent are stringently kept out of positions of power. Lying or just being delusional is rewarded, while speaking the truth is punished.
Why? Because people who are under more psychological pressure than they can handle will choose to retreat into comfortable illusions as a survival and self-defense mechanism. And of course, these kind of people don't want people around them who speak truth and accurately describe reality, because this causes cognitive dissonance in them.
The solution is doing what you lightworkers are already doing: research what's true, explain truth to people who come to you and ask for it, but mostly be loving to other people and uplift your own consciousness (and in doing so, uplift the consciousness of humanity). In time that will get a large part of humanity out of their survival mode, and then they will finally have enough emotional resources to leave their illusions behind.
And once people are more emotionally at ease and have their consciousness raised, all the systems of compliance and control, including taxation and most laws, may also prove in time to no longer be necessary. After all, an unburdened human living in a society they consider to be good and legitimate, will naturally feel a pull to contribute and to help their brothers and sisters.
You're doing great. Thank you so very much for your service
I love you unconditionally and endlessly.
Thank you for your very reasonable and insightful thoughts that I feel are accurate.
Great article.