The Pleiadian Collective is an agent of the Galactic Councils which are organisations under the control of the Orions. Normal humans like me will never forget how the Pleiadians are fooling humans by saying that they don't have any obligation to help humans. If the Pleiadian Collective doesn't have any obligation then why are you occupying commanding positions which manage the Earth liberation movement? Relinquish your commanding positions and give them to the Lyran Felines, they are much better suited for the job.

If any Pleiadian Alien is reading this comment, remember that some humans like me will join the Feline Confederation and will deliver justice for the innocent humans killed on the Earth. That justice will be too brutal for your Collective. This day will not come soon but will surely come. Remember that.

Your Collective should know that people can be fooled for a certain period of time, not for eternity.

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I missed Tunia's channelings.I always look forward in reading her analisys....It's something special.My favourite entities from here are Tunia and R'KOK...

Yesterday i was looking at Crimson Circle latest monthly transmission channeling Adamus Saint Germain...The channeling begins at minute 6


He describes how many lightworkers (shaumbra) feels...There is an under water analogy...

After listening to it and reading all things here i had a realization...Everything has failed...I have health problems, money problems and girl problems...I don't like my life.I feel used to satisfy some agenda. I have no pleasure waking up the next day but i can't suicide or die yet...My only option came:

"How can i laugh more being in Hell"

"How can i be happy but living in hell" ...

Cheers to all .... Get happy in hell :)

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