The division between men and women has been manufactured by the dark ones. We can't have these conversations without addressing the degree to which our society has been dark engineered and programmed. Literally women are programmed to mistrust men and men are plugged into porn and weakened financially in their rile as providers. The division is manufactured, go back 100 years and gender roles were well defined, although abuse was rampant. We need to get rid of tge dark one's influence on our society and undo the damage of decades of programming. Older generations need to be leaders in this, as the young ones have no pre programming role models. We also need to move into love as a core value. All this division and bickering is the opposite of love and is destroying our humanity over time. Humans are fine when left to develop without massive levels of dark interference.

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The only solution i see i the people that few people that are in the channeling niche aquire their needs for energy from other realms and not from a real person...

The men (i am a guy) take their replenish energy from other realms..I connect to other realms and provided with pure female energy.

Woman who are more conected spiritually may get that masculine energy from other realms..

If as an average is very very hard to get love from physically female and feel years of family and society lacks....

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Typical reptilian control mindset. No-one, male or female, should guilt trip anyone for using their talents and abilities. My sons long time girlfriend kept trying to do that to him, because she is very immature and insecure. As much as he loved he and gave to her, she still couldn't appreciate. She is now his past girlfriend. He had to get away from the unequally yolked, parasite relationship, draining his energy and holding him back , with criticism , from being himself. He has a mother who rows her own boat. Every man and woman , to be in a healthy relationship , need to be a whole person, not needy. But many men like needy women. Guys, if you are not getting the love you want, try turning on the light that is within you and do something useful for society. Develop some interests, take a class, do something for somebody every day. Even if it is only holding the door for somebody. Smile and say Hello. R Kok, crawl back in the hole in the ground where you belong. I know you hate ammonia, the cross , and garlic. I eat garlic every day to keep beings like you out of my life.

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thank you!

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