what I need is for my pleiadian kin to step up and reverse the wrongs that allowed the evil fuks to flourish on this planet. Starting with how you all got tricked long ago by the dracos and others that allowed them to genetically alter us, as well as getting whipped in the great wars. You all have left us hanging and suffering for your lack of ability's to take it them and fight them at their levels. Stop kicking the can down the road. When the rest of the world learns about how you all dropped the ball and how when it requires our evolution so that you'all can ascend to higher dimension they may not be as understanding.

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and btw just in case this above comment is mysteriously deleted. I have screenshot it and already shared it to twitter.

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So many choose and choose and choose to accept the deceit by media as their reality despite being given alternatives and clear hints at what is going wrong all the time. They choose it. They actively attack the truth. I am slowly changing the opinion on how long they should be carried on the shoulders of those who are ready to change this world overnight. You invite a person just so often if they want to join your party; when they sabotage it you only ask so often to stop and again if they want to join. And then the boat sails off.

I have the need to live in a society that embraces truth and healthy patriotism = love to your country and its unique melody. Those who cast black spells in their brainwashed mania, they shall have what they wish for.

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Advertising a scam website that charges for content it steals from real blogs. You promoting it just shows how much your messages are scam as well.. Stop posting this garbage.

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Saya dari Indonesia ....mau menyampaikan kondisi masyarakatnya banyak terbelenggu doktrin agama dari timteng sehingga tidak tahu Tuhan yang sejatinya ....dari kolektif spiritual membutuhkan untuk kesadaran penuh dan terpenuhi hajat hidup ...tetapi semua seolah olah tertuju ke uang ...padahal hidup utama Nafas yang segar sehat jiwa raga..makan enak memang minum air bersih dan nafas udara bersih....bisa istirahat tidur nyenyak ...tetapi banyak yang belum sadar karena mabuk dogma..untuk bisnis atas nama tuhan kecil ilusi manusia....mohon solusi ...dengan pengetahuan kesadaran jati diri keuTuhan dan kesadaran Alam semesta yang manunggal (onees) ...Salam cahaya cinta tanpa syarat ..jiwaku memuliakan semua jiwa . Namaste...🙏💙🤎🙏

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Jul 20
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Jul 20
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i wish i saw what you co-signed. There is more that others are not aware of in re to the Pleiadians, that have both good and bad players in their mix. additional info is in my comment above as well.

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