Thank you very much. Its good to know our wishes are considered. I, and probably most of us, realize how difficult the situation is for everyone including you all.

My only input would be - just like your example of if you intervene too soon it could cause a lot of unnecessary suffering. I would add - it may also NOT create that suffering - and we have much suffering Now in reality - not in the hypothetical. Actually happening vs. unlikely - as you said. So waiting may cause unnecessary suffering in the now in order to try and prevent imagined suffering in the future.

Asking you to intervene ASAP does feel a little selfish - but when does one draw a line? Based on the last 7 years it seems a lot more likely that those grey hats WONT do anything. Id say theres at least a less 50% chance - I'd estimate it at 20-25% - 1 out of 4 or 5. Not great betting odds - especially considering what we're betting.

Id be fine with giving the grey hats 2023 and if they dont move this year that you all intervene in the beginning of 2024. March 20 - the first day of Spring would be a good day in my book.

2025 or 26 seems like we'd be beaten down pretty far by then. We're at the breaking point now - as far as having any freedom at all. Theyre preventing us from having any say in elections - in public discourse - in allocation of our money - theyre burning places down all around the world - stealing the land - escalating war - working hard to create bio weapons against us - poison robot mosquitos, on and on.

I mean, guys - you said you wouldnt let genocide and camps happen - but does it have to get THAT extreme before you step in?

So 2 more years going downhill like that might break almost every one of us - except for the super souls. - Okay, No it wont - but it feels like it would - it would just be even more extremely terrible than it already is, but we'll do it if its the only way of course.

One other thing is that I do not trust the grey hats or whoever may be in a position to re-order society when the time comes. Im concerned that those same people who arent making good decisions now - will be able to make the decisions in the future which may be just as questionable.

Instead I would much prefer the GF step in and be a part of the re-organization process. If its left to "us' - the 'us" might not be the best people and might not make the best decisions. For example, I dont sense that I personally would have much say in any part of the re-organization process, because Im not famous or rich or in any popular circles. So by intervening you all would not only help us now - but you can help us be sure that what we create is as good as it could be and steer clear of the potential issues you see. The bottom line is I dont think any of us feel the grey hats should be in charge all the way through the re-organization - especially noting their egos and narcissism. In fact even if they DO act - I wouldnt feel a deep trust for them knowing how they used us as pawns.

Whenever things happen - I feel its important for you all to be involved in the re-organization. THATS when we could create future problems.

One idea for helping people without having direct contact is to manipulate the numbers in computers that list peoples bank deposits and balance to show large amounts - which we can then use to raise ourselves and those around us out of the morass we're in. Whats more important - following the cabals banking laws - which they break every day - or helping people who need it?

Other than that - Have A Nice Day!

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Dear A.S.

I congratulate you for doing voluntary work of the most necessary kind...

This site of mine, <nebadon.bravehost> was made with material from the followers of the Urantia Book, and also from Oscar Magocsi:

What you have here are portuguese translations: Most of the originals ain’t any more extant, the <abundanthope> site was derailed, but I think the english originals maybe be stored someplace. I have the originals as office.word docs.

In this page I have posted the links for this site of yours:

(bottom at the right-side box)


Well, I am most impressed by the last messages from Hakann:

You can compare these messages with the messages (having english originals) from General Radetski, that were passed in 2006 (Feb, March; in 2005, etc)... They are extremely similar portraits...!!

Now, can someone helps us to explain how and why 17 years were gone without the final decision... From the Galactic Federation, from the so called “white-knights”, from the common-deluded folks - ???


I thank you for your dedication

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Dear Hakann:

In 2005 we learned, from a message by Esu Kumara, that Alcyone is a big "Central Sun", and that it has far more than the seven known "Pleiadean" Stars doing orbits around it, some 150 suns, including our "Helios" within a sluggish orbiting pace:


This is a portuguese translation of an english original, from the <abundanthope> site, that is no more on-line, but I think this message maybe stored somewhere.

Can you comment?

During these years we have had a number of "Pleiadean" communicators trying to guide the Eartheans: Usually the term is quite general, and I think it woul be fine if we can be told to which planet and star the pleiadean personallity belongs.

Esu Kumara says that he (and Nik. Tesla) belong to the planet "Thiaoouba", orbiting Alcyone.

I understood that the so called "Photon Band" is sort of a thick wall, or circular band, that cuts across Alcyone (not a "belt"...), like wings, and that when the pleiadean stars cross through this wall, the suns receive an intensifying evolutive energy: We are told that our sun crosses this wall at each 13.000 years.

The crossing takes 2.000 years. So, the solar rising of frequencies that our Helios is showing should be due to this crossing...

Could you confirm that?

thanks a lot!

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Dear Hakann:

While we, inhabitants of this strange and funny planet, sit in our writing-desks, we keep wondering how it feels for you missionaires to observe and analyse our movements, and what conclusions you arrive at, when watching our attitudes on your screens and relatories...!!

Since you come from afar to help rescuing this planet we can only send you a "Great Salute":

One thing I'd like to ask is: If you can confirm that the considered distance of 400 light-years, from Alcyone to our sun Helios - measured by our astrophysicists - can only be illusory - I do believe that the distance is much shorter, and that the impression of such a far-off distance should be due to REFRACTION of LIGHT through the space-time architeture - could you confirm?

[to follow]

Ciro Moroni Barroso - Rio de Janeiro

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Hello, I would like to speak to Hakann.

I can no longer bear to live in the physical body I was given. He is extremely limited, sick, and unable to have sex.

All people my age have beautiful and slender bodies, only I was harmed.

What can I do to free myself? Suicide me? Or can Hakann take me as he said in the message?

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The least I'd want is the bifurcation. I want a true "Nobody's been left behind"-PARTY, not a "Mission mainly accomplished" one. To know there are still many suffering would taint the victory quite a lot in my opinion, doesn't feel like that's what we've gone through lifetimes over lifetimes on earth for.

So personally I feel like what's some more years, if only it gets as glorious as possible afterwards. Admittedly I'm not in too much pain at the moment. But we have a clear perspective, a 100% promise of Source for it to end soon (and compared to dozens of lifetimes 2+ years or a decade is very very soon), we have the knowledge that the hardship being endured has a very concrete purpose, is appreciated and not in vain, the knowledge that all physical, emotional, soul damage will not last the rest of our life but instead we will receive awesome healing technologies. Some years ago my life was pure torture and I didn't have any of these.


Somehow... I still can't believe it's finally finally happening.

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I feel that the issue most slowing down the liberation of Earth humanity is the mind control, propaganda and indoctrination disseminated by the Deep State. If the Galactics could help the Earth Alliance forces establish one TV station broadcasting truth in every nation it would greatly expedite the process.

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Dear Hakkan / Tunia / R'KOK.

The biggest issue is not the humanity but the mechanics behind this dimension that you cannot avoid.

As a human if one is suffering too much with both physical pain and emotional pain and also fighting the outside 3D humans and it becomes an absolute miserable experience that is not named .... school.

If one have hundreads of things to transmute you imagine how actually the design is the worst enemy.I understand that many people do not care about the spiritual path but even i as a lightworker i feel sandwiched between the "spiritual agenda" that seriously became a course 24/7 and the 3D world...Neither have empathy for you.

Everything that needs transmuted involves physical and emotional pain literaly...After 20 years of this i feel was not worth it.

For example if someone loved dies tommorow i have to go through the ordeal to feel all those "human" emotions and physical pain that will be automated.To be fair i had enough transmutations and physical / emotional pain from hundreads of transmutations and trauma.This process is automatic and is not asking if want to go through this, it doesn't care if you have to work or want to do other activity.THe design litterally is the worst of life on earth.

Who done this mechanics behind it made absurdly complicated.A human that have the animal part of him will suffer up to a point until it says no more.

ANother aspect is that the human life seems to not matter in the grand scheme.The spiritual agenda will wreck and impose on your life whatever it wants and is not a choice.Maybe you say i may have chossen before comming on earth.Now after 20 + years of transmutations and life ruining i had enough and i want to focus on actually exploring earth.

I do not want to sacrifice and my life be ruined with all this earth saving or whatever.For me is not worth it anymore.

The spiritual realms interfered enough in my life to corner me.I don't consider that i have a choice...

The choice is either i die OR i am forced by the spiritual agenda and other realms a direction that i don't want to do anymore.

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Thankyou you channeler for bringing such a valuable information to us .

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