while it is fine to re-examine the environment one grew up in. i'll share on what i see as mistakes that my parents made and realize: They were doing the best they could with what they knew at the time. Nobody is perfect and has not made mistakes in the past.
I can remember the: consent form they were provided and the discussion they had over swishing the fluoride in my 3rd grade. They worried that if they didn't sign it the other kids would have made fun of me. They were trying to protect me out of love. I doubt that given all the info on the damages of fluoride does to our bodies now they would make the same decision. I do not fault them for their mistakes made "unawares".
Life is full of lessons, and sometimes the lessons we learn from others is on what not to do in our future. I casteth no stonez.
While he or these ET species are right about how human parents have raised their kids, they must also know that they did the best they could out of love, and just because parents don't stay together might also be a good thing if the environment with them together is nothing but fighting and tension.....if the parents can remain friends and share the children together then there should be no problem.
Then there's the programming, as we all know, the ET races that invaded this world and set up religious dogma and posing as Gods, and also the technology they had in place to mind control humans thru frequency. These various matrixes they set up and controlled humanity thru loosh factory and creating misery cuz loosh is so much more nutricious when it's coming from pain. Then there's the poisons that they have given us and told us it's good for us, and our children, to keep us dumbed down and ignorant, so it's one giant program. I'd like to see how they;d do being put into this realm with the programs that have been running for thousands of years on humanity.
Yes, I don't agree about putting children into schools for hours a day, that is why I homeschool. I also don't agree with all the psyops with the gender crap and the agenda they currently got going right now. I'm trying to overcome them and hope we can deconstruct the matrix of programs that hold humanity down and create such pain and suffering.
Regardless of how damaging our childhood may or may not have been, it's up to us to do the inner work and realize that our parents did the best they could do out of love. Sometimes I wonder why they believed our gooberments so much and trusted them but again.....it's all a program and operating out of frequency onto humanity for their loosh factory and the gateway planet we are, controlling it and turning it into a prison, so if they have a problem, how about getting all those matrixes taken down, the loosh factory taken down, and all the negative frequencies they project, the wars and so one....all done by these negative ET races, so yeah....we aren't perfect, but I know we can create a better world if only we are free to choose what that looks like for us, and not controlled by society or mind control by the propaganda machine that is our gooberment and secret societies which are also run by the ET races....like the FREEMASONS...who worship Lucifer who was a being, not so much an angel, but also in charge of the Omega realm....and turned it into 79% dark, but we are going into a light age, and will not be returning to this dark place we are currently in. Once we abolish gooberment, police and the whole control structure, and unite and help each other out instead of trying to control each other....we'll make the world a better place if the good ET's would like to help get rid of the darkies, the Archons and the A.I. that wants to turn us into robots...that would be great. We know they have the technology, cuz it's been here for thousands of years yet we are not allowed to have it, there'd be no more disease, the planet would be free of toxiins and damaging chemicals that are in the air and water and food.
What defines our character is to love ourselves and DO and BE, within, so without. The one thing they never wanted us to do is go within....so any volunteers to help humanity get rid of those darkie ETs that have been controlling us for thousands of years? Right on....let's get rolling here. I'm ready.
For me this channeling was kinda pointless...Been there done that...
The problem is i realized that my childhood was damaging, a prison etc...After how many years you realized this ?..And also are you willing to waste so many years of life to address this ?.... The mechanism will force on you the rythm, the timming and the very complex state of things...How much time, money and searching will it take to heal this ? For many is lifetime curse.Another thing for how many years the can you take emotional pain and physical pain ? Is very easy to bark from the other side with "fix the childhood".If it takes too much time and is very complicated trauma i am sorry to say but is not worth it.You have to put food on the table and have day to day chores and work...Again one is bound by the design / mechanism.
while it is fine to re-examine the environment one grew up in. i'll share on what i see as mistakes that my parents made and realize: They were doing the best they could with what they knew at the time. Nobody is perfect and has not made mistakes in the past.
I can remember the: consent form they were provided and the discussion they had over swishing the fluoride in my 3rd grade. They worried that if they didn't sign it the other kids would have made fun of me. They were trying to protect me out of love. I doubt that given all the info on the damages of fluoride does to our bodies now they would make the same decision. I do not fault them for their mistakes made "unawares".
Life is full of lessons, and sometimes the lessons we learn from others is on what not to do in our future. I casteth no stonez.
While he or these ET species are right about how human parents have raised their kids, they must also know that they did the best they could out of love, and just because parents don't stay together might also be a good thing if the environment with them together is nothing but fighting and tension.....if the parents can remain friends and share the children together then there should be no problem.
Then there's the programming, as we all know, the ET races that invaded this world and set up religious dogma and posing as Gods, and also the technology they had in place to mind control humans thru frequency. These various matrixes they set up and controlled humanity thru loosh factory and creating misery cuz loosh is so much more nutricious when it's coming from pain. Then there's the poisons that they have given us and told us it's good for us, and our children, to keep us dumbed down and ignorant, so it's one giant program. I'd like to see how they;d do being put into this realm with the programs that have been running for thousands of years on humanity.
Yes, I don't agree about putting children into schools for hours a day, that is why I homeschool. I also don't agree with all the psyops with the gender crap and the agenda they currently got going right now. I'm trying to overcome them and hope we can deconstruct the matrix of programs that hold humanity down and create such pain and suffering.
Regardless of how damaging our childhood may or may not have been, it's up to us to do the inner work and realize that our parents did the best they could do out of love. Sometimes I wonder why they believed our gooberments so much and trusted them but again.....it's all a program and operating out of frequency onto humanity for their loosh factory and the gateway planet we are, controlling it and turning it into a prison, so if they have a problem, how about getting all those matrixes taken down, the loosh factory taken down, and all the negative frequencies they project, the wars and so one....all done by these negative ET races, so yeah....we aren't perfect, but I know we can create a better world if only we are free to choose what that looks like for us, and not controlled by society or mind control by the propaganda machine that is our gooberment and secret societies which are also run by the ET races....like the FREEMASONS...who worship Lucifer who was a being, not so much an angel, but also in charge of the Omega realm....and turned it into 79% dark, but we are going into a light age, and will not be returning to this dark place we are currently in. Once we abolish gooberment, police and the whole control structure, and unite and help each other out instead of trying to control each other....we'll make the world a better place if the good ET's would like to help get rid of the darkies, the Archons and the A.I. that wants to turn us into robots...that would be great. We know they have the technology, cuz it's been here for thousands of years yet we are not allowed to have it, there'd be no more disease, the planet would be free of toxiins and damaging chemicals that are in the air and water and food.
What defines our character is to love ourselves and DO and BE, within, so without. The one thing they never wanted us to do is go within....so any volunteers to help humanity get rid of those darkie ETs that have been controlling us for thousands of years? Right on....let's get rolling here. I'm ready.
For me this channeling was kinda pointless...Been there done that...
The problem is i realized that my childhood was damaging, a prison etc...After how many years you realized this ?..And also are you willing to waste so many years of life to address this ?.... The mechanism will force on you the rythm, the timming and the very complex state of things...How much time, money and searching will it take to heal this ? For many is lifetime curse.Another thing for how many years the can you take emotional pain and physical pain ? Is very easy to bark from the other side with "fix the childhood".If it takes too much time and is very complicated trauma i am sorry to say but is not worth it.You have to put food on the table and have day to day chores and work...Again one is bound by the design / mechanism.
To A.S.: Was R'KOK being assasinated ?
Mes parents ont fait de leur mieux
C est à dire qu ils ont loupé pas mal de choses me concernant
J ai grandi dans une grande solitude et ma sensibilité n était que peu acceptée
Mon père était plutôt exigeant, ma mère très distante
De plus j ai été harcelé à l école de l age de 8 ans jusqu'à mes 18 ans
Quand j en ai parlé je n ai pas été soutenu
Alors j ai cessé d en parlé et j en ai déduis que je n était pas normal
C est ajouté à cela des ennuis de santé qui à l adolescence m isolaient encore plus
Je m en suis sorti en partie grâce à la médiation qui m à permis d observer mes émotions et en particulier ma colère
Je vais mieux aujourd'hui même si je reste marquée par tout ça
je suis aujourd'hui plutôt solitaire et j ai du mal à avoir des amis de mon âge
Je ne vais pas entrer dans les détails mais je ne peux pas dire que j ai eu une enfance heureuse