Here’s feedback, sir: full intervention and mass arrests NOW!!! Let’s GO!!! If you, General Hakann, really did give these “gray hats” until the end of 2023 to actually do meaningful things, they didn’t live up to their end of the bargain. Ashtar Command and all other groups in this situation, let’s GO!!! NOW!!! As a member of the US Armed Forces, enough is ENOUGH!!! I’m ready to do whatever my part needs to be! I’m so looking forward to advanced technology that will help heal us physically, mentally, emotionally, on all energetic levels that healing needs to happen on. The sooner we get this CRAP done, the sooner we can get to the really GOOD stuff!!! My wife is currently recovering from possible viral encephalitis, I’m using every natural remedy that we can afford to help her recover as quickly and wholly as possible. It now pisses me off to no end to actually KNOW NOW that y’all could’ve already done full intervention and mass arrests multiple times over!!!

I know in my heart that y’all are there, even though I can’t feel you at all. Come on, help us so that we can get to the next level, stage, process of creating Heaven on Earth!!! LET’S FREAKIN’ GO (you know what I mean)!!!

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I suggest that we organize a joint discussion team of Earth volunteers and your group, with good communications software, to communicate much more frequently.

Trust needs to be built up first of all, and that can only be done with more frequent communication.

Keep in mind, we have been lied to so often, both by humans and non-humans. We have been ruled by sadists and the most extreme manipulators. Human apathy is largely based in generational, repeated trauma, the same psychological effect as the horrible experiment where the animal was placed on a floor that shocked him whether he moved or not, so in the end he just stopped moving completely.

No matter what we do, humanity's lot has been suffering, whether we tried to make a difference and change things on a mass scale, or not, it has seemingly made no difference and things have only gotten worse. The deck is stacked against us, perhaps largely because of off-world interference in favor of dark human cabals on Earth, who have a supreme technological advantage against small groups of good people trying to make a difference.

To heal that apathy, we need trust and open communication.

Trust only comes with familiarity and talking and working together.

We must share our thoughts and our information, and I'm sure many good ideas can come from that.

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As for suggestions on what to do, here are mine.

1. Arrest the Greyhat leaders, whether military or civilian, especially those who devised the "make them suffer" strategy. Judge them in your Galactic Tribunals accordingly, and have their positions replaced by those who are willing to do their job the right way. Humanity did not sign up for their failed strategy, they took it upon themselves to put humanity through it. They are ignorant, arrogant, self centered, and greedy. Place humans with higher vibrations in power, and failing that, I see no reason why you yourselves could not temporarily step into their positions down here until matters have settled.

2. Take full control of the mainstream media outlets. This has long been a tool of the dark, and even now is still a weapon that is being pointed towards everyone still listening, which is many. Release full disclosure through these outlets, if the Greyhats are left in charge of disclosure it will never happen. They have the power to take it down, but they haven't. The media is still a crooked weapon that circumvents and manipulates free will. "Oh you didn't recognize the veiled symbolism and hidden messages/predicted programming in your daily 10 PM news cycle? Too bad, it's your fault for being ignorant. And in your ignorance, you basically agreed to this being done to you." Control it or destroy it, either way, it needs to be dealt with.

3. You say the only choice that remains now that the Greyhats have failed is for us to free ourselves--as if it were that easy. On one hand we are contending with the Blackhats who have thousands of years of technology and secret dark arts, numerous tentacled secret societies and subversive agencies, a vast network of blackmail and "disappearing", and all the money in the world. On the other hand we have the Greyhats who also have high level technology and capabilities, positions of power and military authority, personal fortresses, and heavily equipped personal army and bodyguard details. The average well intentioned individual or Whitehat will have none of these things. My solution? Have the Positive Galactics equip Whitehat humans with the training, technology, abilities, and resources necessary to save themselves. You can easily pick out the right individuals through your technologies and clairvoyance who will not abuse these gifts. Empower those who have the will to save others. And please don't say something so vague as you can't do that and that we need to empower ourselves. If there is a method that you can teach us that will materialize highly powerful physical weapons out of thin air that Whitehats can use to defeat the Greyhats and Blackhats, that would be highly useful. Otherwise, saying that we have to free ourselves, while at the most essential level is true, is at the most practical level a far fetched notion considering the disparity in 3D material power.

4. Commit to full intervention as soon as possible. To continue waiting as more people die due to the neglect of the Greyhats and the evil of the Blackhats is irresponsible, especially if you can act to prevent these things now. Yes, humanity may not be "saving themselves" as you wish. But right now if the Whitehats and Lightworkers are doing their job, and the Greyhats are not, what other option is there? Do you expect a group of peaceful meditators to suddenly pick up weapons and overthrow the evil hierarchies? I do not think you do, but if you do, then you should very well give them the equipment and training to do so in the most efficacious way.

5. If and when your Full Intervention occurs in 2024 or 2025, this is what I believe should happen. Round up all remaining Greyhats and punish them for their inaction and willingness to let the majority of humanity suffer. Establish permanent Positive Galactic Schools where anyone can learn anything they wish so long as their level of consciousness is high enough. Establish permanent Positive Galactic Embassies on Earth where people can come to address their issues about corruption and malfeasance within their own governments. If humans cannot be trusted to govern themselves with kindness and love, then a helping hand is needed to make sure that such situations are immediately remedied. Create a political governance system that only allows those of Whitehat consciousness to be leaders. Have multiple checks and balances and failsafes in place such that the system cannot ever be compromised.

If none of these things have been done by 2025, I must assume several things. 1. that you are an imposter deceiving this channeler. 2. You are wholly a figment of his imagination. 3. You do not truly wish to intervene at all because you as a collective galactic group do not want the karma of saving humanity rather than letting them save themselves and would rather let Source activate the Solar Flash despite the ensuing loss of life it would cause. 4. That you are yourself are being misled by your own leaders, for whatever reasons, I can only guess.

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Good points overall. The fact that this continues to go on, as human misery has already gone on throughout history, may be proof enough that we're all just being used and scammed, and the so-called "good" is only offering false hope to keep us from realizing the scam, and playing dumb when we ask why they didn't realize how awful things are.

Why not just stop the Earth completely, and let any soul that wants to leave, leave? Why should we all be slaves under horrible, sadistic rulers for even one more moment? How about stopping the memory wipes? It seems that off-world peoples are generally aware of and remember their own after life and existence as souls, why not us? Is it because the memory wipes make it easier to abuse and use humans by a powerful class of beings, while they claim all the abuse is so that we can "learn"? Learning does not have to involve extreme trauma and abuse, and it should never involve holding people captive against their will, as all humans are effectively manipulated and held captive on Earth. See "soul trap" if you're interested in more information about this idea.

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Thanks for turning to us, and for giving me the chance to answer.

We urgently need to know how people freed themselves in other worlds. It will give us ideas we can adapt.

What is stopping you from removing the gray hats and black hats at the same time and replacing them by clones, actors, holograms or else? Is there an earth-destruction triggering mechanism, or some darkness which could retaliate?

Once the above is done, trigger and immediate stop to all wars.

Take over the mass media and start broadcasting the ugly truth. Have ready tangible proof of change to talk about, for example all governments reducing taxes immediately. This way, when anyone goes shopping, its cheaper. Loads of unnecessary complications need to be taken down sequentially to avoid conspiracies or people thinking they are being led to something worse. We have lots of trauma here. A jubilee of sorts will help to relax mankind. Make fund available per request.

Start preparing teams to help when riots of scared, programmed, people start to go on the streets.

Mass arrests of cabal operatives (400 million?). Do not scare people with more lock-downs.

Do not show up massively just yet, do not hint there is high vibration galactic teams involvement, one big truth at a time. Some of us have already asked that you show up, private contact is fine.

Promote the meeting of twin flames, promote the meeting of soul families. This will take care of restoring love on the planet.

Regarding healing, nutrition and planetary clean up, there is no reason why you cannot start flooding the Internet with advanced information about how to do this ourselves.

Energy production revolution. Just disseminate information how to do this at home, a 10KW power supply will suffice for now.

If we are having interaction during our sleep, please find ways for us to remember this information. You can increase our level of happiness one thought, one dream, one vision at a time :). We like knowing what is going on, we like participating.

Big respect and love to you all back there. You could be having better days, we could be having better days, but we are here, we are not giving up, and we will finish this assignment, let´s keep sharing ideas and actions. Thank you.

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Here’s feedback, sir: full intervention and mass arrests NOW!!! Let’s GO!!! If you, General Hakann, really did give these “gray hats” until the end of 2023 to actually do meaningful things, they didn’t live up to their end of the bargain. Ashtar Command and all other groups in this situation, let’s GO!!! NOW!!! As a member of the US Armed Forces, enough is ENOUGH!!! I’m ready to do whatever my part needs to be! I’m so looking forward to advanced technology that will help heal us physically, mentally, emotionally, on all energetic levels that healing needs to happen on. The sooner we get this CRAP done, the sooner we can get to the really GOOD stuff!!! My wife is currently recovering from possible viral encephalitis, I’m using every natural remedy that we can afford to help her recover as quickly and wholly as possible. It now pisses me off to no end to actually KNOW NOW that y’all could’ve already done full intervention and mass arrests multiple times over!!!

I know in my heart that y’all are there, even though I can’t feel you at all. Come on, help us so that we can get to the next level, stage, process of creating Heaven on Earth!!!

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I speak the following words to you in good faith (but not certainty) that you truly exist and are truly a positive and benevolent galactic being, and that you are truly and accurately being channeled. Thank you for this latest update on the situation, and your kind considerations and positive contributions. It is as I predicted, the Greyhats are playing the waiting game, promise promise promise, yet never delivering. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if the reason why they are delaying is to buy time to find some kind of technology that could threaten you, the Positive Galactics. In their low egoic perspective, they see not only the Negative Galactics as enemies, but also the Positive as potential enemies. They can never rest until they have closed the so-called power gap, even if this means neglecting their true duty which should be the liberation of this world. Not to mention they are playing a game of chicken amongst themselves, waiting for their other greyhat counterparts to act first before they themselves stick their neck out--a game which ends with nobody taking action, everyone suffering, and the darkside retaining control.

If the Greyhats are left to their devices and schemes, then this world will remain a warzone for another 50-100 years, at a minimum, and in that timespan full disclosure will still be a fantasy--because disclosure means that they would have to surrender their power.

You have said Source has left the decision up to you on what to do regarding the freeing of Earth. Which means that any action taken by you will be accepted by Source. This means you can act now, at this very moment, to liberate the earth with a full intervention, forget waiting later on in 2024 or 2025 to do so. The fact that your superiors have not done so (I say your superiors because I feel that you as an individual would wish to intervene right now), is because they do not wish to bear the karma for this decision, and perhaps are waiting on the Solar Flash to do the job. "Why incur karma when Source will eventually free the Earth anyway?" And this is a perspective I can understand and empathize with, although not necessarily agree with. I may be doing your leaders a disservice by speculating that this is the case, and if so I offer my apologies. All I ask is that if this is what has been decided behind closed doors, then to be upfront with us about it if and when you discover this to be the true plan. Do not string us along with false promises, just as the Greyhats have strung everyone along with false promises--as the saying goes, as above, so below. If galactic intervention has not occurred by 2025, I will have to assume the Solar Flash was your play all along, and promises of galactic intervention were mere morale boosters to bide time for the Solar Flash, or that you in fact do not exist and are a mere fiction or imposter within the mind of the channeler. I personally will not accept any moving of the goalposts, as in this or that happened which caused you to change your minds about full intervention.

My question for you however is, why were you galactics, with all of your higher dimensional abilities and psychic gifts, not able to foresee that this would be the likely outcome created by the Greyhats? Surely your higher dimensional psychic abilities could tell you that these groups are self-serving and lower vibrational in nature. Three options present themselves. 1. you do not exist or are not being channeled correctly. 2. the actions of the Greyhats served your purposes. 3. you were all naive and thought that somehow thousands of years of brainwashing and genetic tampering could be undone just because the greyhats had the opportunity to be around and speak with positive higher dimensional beings. None of these options are encouraging if I may be frank.

Another question is why did you not choose to train and empower Whitehats, the beings who are most similar and closer in vibration and frequency to yourselves, so that they had more of a direct and meaningful role in this conflict? For it seems that according to what you've said, the main holdup is on the physical side in which the Greyhats are holding responsibility. If the Greyhats aren't doing their job, you can replace them with Whitehats. You have the technology to instill in Whitehats the type of training and abilities they need to do the jobs that the Greyhats refuse to. Why have you chosen not to do this? Once again, several options present themselves. 1. you do not exist or are not being channeled correctly. 2. You feel the Whitehats are better left holding down the spiritual fort, as it were. 3. You feel the Whitehats are weak and would be unsuitable for the job even with your enhancements. 4. The Greyhats actions served your purposes. If 4 is what happened, to suddenly bemoan their actions now seems rather petty on your part. It would be like complaining that a robber you essentially allowed to run free and also abetted somehow ended up going back to robbing.

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To me, this report makes it seem as if most members of the Galactic Confederacy were surprised by the inaction of the Grey Hats. But where is the plan B? If there were people among the galactic forces who were more realistic, then at least they must have another plan in reserve. And couldn't this plan be implemented now?

And why does the question of what we need or what we want come up? What we need or what we want is known. In various combinations, most people need food, energy and freedom, but also the knowledge of how to obtain these things. In my opinion, this knowledge could be spread all over the world at once, even if this would not solve all the problems.

The most important problem in my eyes is that people don't listen to each other. People have been programmed to only listen to those who have power or are respected. So calles lightworkers are not among them. Therefore, it is problematic for me when it is said that it is now up to the ordinary people themselves to free themselves. Or, that an intervention by the galactic forces would only open up an opportunity for people to better liberate themselves.

But what does this mean in concrete terms? Of course, it is the people themselves who have to shape their own lives. But Project Earth is also so catastrophic because people think and feel catastrophically. People have been programmed for generations. So is it realistic to assume that people will find freedom on their own? And how long would it take?

And if it takes longer, wouldn't that lead to extraterrestrial forces having to take control for a certain period of time? At least until humans would be able to take care of themselves? But that seems to be the problem, because you can't take away people's freedom in order to lead them to freedom.

From this point of view, you could also think about simply dividing people into small groups, healing them and then resettling these people in small groups all over in space. Where they want, as far as possible. And then the Earth project will simply end. Except for a small minority that could perhaps be resettled on Earth.

In other words: If, firstly, there are no rulers on Earth who can be trusted, and secondly, you can't trust people to listen to each other, and thirdly, you would therefore have to completely monitor or control the Earth for a certain period of time, you could simply drop the third step. You could intervene, divide the people into small groups, heal them, relocate them, and then peacefully dissolve civilization on Earth.

Just like you would do with a company that has gone bankrupt. And where nobody sits in the company building anymore, either to work where there is no more work, or to turn the lights on and off.

That way, everyone is happy: The people, because they are healed and no longer have to suffer, and can live much better elsewhere; the galactic forces, because they don't have to control a planet full of traumatized people; and the source, because the earth is also liberated in this way.

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You did what you think leads to the least suffering on Earth, so yes, you have kept your promise, Hakann.

The "don't wait for the gray hats anymore" aspect is somewhat freeing. Activating. Also uncomfortable. I think many are very emotionally wounded and traumatized regarding stepping up against the oppressors. Here healing would be key. Please help as much as you can to heal the collective subconscious here.

I will think about what I personally can do without exhausting myself.

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Please intervene now. I know you are guilty from the Atlantis days where you gave bad people high tech stuff. This is another chance to do it right. Arrest the BH and some of the GH, they need re-calibrating, actually better still, put some heart-centered lightworkers in charge with some of your crew

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Sorry I didn't have much time before, so I used Chinese, which I'm better at, to speed up. I know you have access to the surface Internet on your ship to read comments directly, and it shouldn't be difficult for you to understand another language. Now I rewrite it in English for more friends on Earth to read. I read the channelling message on eraoflight.com, I had never successfully commented on eraoflight and my comments have been censored by YouTube, so here I am.

Giving specific suggestions is not easy and requires a lot of time thinking and researching. So here I am asking for help that I need now.

What I need now is for you to tell me a little more about yourself and tell me why I should spend time thinking about the issues raised by this channel. Because you are acting more and more like those other channels. There are many other channels that first release a lot of meaningful, effective, self-empowering information to gain people's trust, but ultimately promote the goals of the controller and are a higher level "black and white police game." I still tend to think this channel is real and kind, so I'm writing this.

I understand that you currently feel that it is not convenient for you to directly provide evidence of existence because that would amount to direct intervention. That is okay. What I need is for you to explain as much as possible so that I can make further decisions and actions. (No matter what you do, I'll always be here making my move, but what you said will determine whether will I spend time to study and answer your question here)

I understand that the channeler has limited energy and cannot answer all comments on this channel, but you can think of other ways. For example, you can enter the surface Internet and pretend to be a surface person to speak to us online. You can get around censorship by using machine voice and making a statement that your words can be read as fiction, daydreams, or anything else the audience deems appropriate.

Question 1:

Is Ashtar the real name of a decision-maker? Are you using the name from the belief systems on Earth? For example, maybe the truth is that many people believe that Ashtar is a commander who comes to save the earth, and your superior was more or less in a similar position but did not have a suitable name in the Earth language, so you decide to just use the name "Ashtar". Or, Ashtar is the real name of a decision-maker, then you can introduce him more.

Question 2:

Why is your spaceship called "Jerusalem"? Is "Jerusalem" a word in your language? If so, please teach us what it means. If not, how do you evaluate that using "Jerusalem" might strengthen the control of religious systems over Earthlings? (I know that many people in religions are kind-hearted and want to help people, but it is the people who are kind, not the religion, and religions generally still carry out the plans of the controllers.)

Question 3:

Please tell us more about the parliamentary details. If you were in a truly advanced civilization, everyone should have the right to know all the details of parliamentary decisions. Please introduce as many details as possible about the decision-makers and the decision-making process, and also introduce more about the "galactic confederation". I know you don't want to publicly broadcast too much important information to your spies inside the enemy during combat, but please describe it as much as possible.

That's all I need at the moment, just some help answering some questions and giving some further information. I think everyone is, to one degree or another, losing patience with this information. I am like this myself. And I think you should have noticed this too. (Sorry that is somehow unfair to you for you are in the group that making the most effort to help Earth, but that is truly what happening). So I think maybe it is worth spending some time answering these questions to help us make further decisions.

If you are real, (if you are real, you may think this assumption is funny, but please understand that if you are on Earth and have been fooled around many times, you will also have to consider such a possibility.)

If you are real, thank you for everything you do.

Thank you to the channeler for everything you do as well.

I wish you good health and a happy life.

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The fundamental difference between earth experience and most all other galactic civs - we have a highly individualized, and hence compartmentalized, incarnation. Interestingly, while being compartmented from awareness of our other lives, we have distinct advantages. We grow much faster, as we dont have baggage and layers of belief/experience built up over centuries that limit the novelty of our life lessons. By having vastly different lives throughout the timestream, our 5D higher selves develop much quicker and have more potential to create. Also why we ‘prefer’ privacy etc from ET perspective. We are more self contained by design/choice.

On the other hand, most galactic cultures have a more sequential and collective experience. Which has advantages in terms of safety/support, but is a much slower development pathway spiritually. In addition, the earth experience is largely about blending/balancing both polarities of light/dark, and hence we are too dark for pleiadian tastes, yet too light for reptilians.

This difference has led to a fundamental flaw in ET support, in terms of lack of understanding of the nature of the journey here. We have many lives of lower and mid level spiritual perspectives that are never intended to wake up. They are here for specific experiences and lessons, that our higher level incarnations build on to develop our more unique and adaptive abilities of self awareness. At this time on earth, there are far more low/mid level than advanced and very advanced incarnations present. Hence, both the grey hat wake up the masses via staged exposure, and the ET expectation of collective action, are both doomed to fail via a fundamental misunderstanding of spiritual evolution for the souls here.

I agree that they have no obligation whatsoever. In fact, from a cultural and energetic perspective, they stand to introduce far more chaos and disruption to their races via open interaction. As well as dynamic and novel approaches perhaps to their races on the plus side. That said, my motto tends to be show up or shut up. Sending energy without real contact, while good intentioned, is condescending to the advanced incarnations here. No skin in the game so to speak, and isnt working on an equal level. In addition, it projects a collective field that holds back what otherwise might manifest as much quicker changes, albeit with more disruption to the systems in place here.

One can take actions that preserve life, without holding back others from expressing and manifesting free will. At the moment, I see grey hats and positive polarity galactics restricting free will and change, in order to preserve life. Which is a mistake. Physical life is temporary, and the diversity of forms is meant to supply unique experiences. Lowering the bar to wait for low/mid level incarnations to wake up, is a misunderstanding of their purpose, and imposes undue control and restrictions on the more advanced incarnations here that are more capable of introducing new systems to the planet.

So let the chips fall. Let the truth free. All the higher selves are aware they will have many lives that aren’t meant to wake up. Those lives form unique aspects of our 5D quantum now whole, which wouldn’t be an asset the way they are if we came here to have a collective, 4D aware linearly progressive spiritual experience.

We came for the development of our individuality, and our lives work as a quantum interdependent network of nodes in our 5D selves, as opposed to the linear model more ubiquitous to this galaxy. This is why some of our advanced incarnations have more psychic potential that galactics. We are running a more sophisticated network of parallel processors, not a sophisticated but much larger single processor as ET lives/experience resemble.

If Grey Hats and either polarity of galactic would realize this, and assist us with skin in the game (real, tangible, accountable information/interaction/technology), we all stand to gain the most from our interactions. Manifestation can only occur with the fire of transformation. May it be be gentle enough not to devolve into excessive violence, but strong enough to actually break down this world and distill out the spirit into the seeds of new ideas/worlds/life of a higher nature.

If earthers willingly choose to openly interact despite risks, and ET technology is indeed capable of providing protection from the secret gov tech/attacks, then there is no reason to hold back on introductions. That is - if galactics truly desire to help, and not just safely observe in general. Im not going to trust or listen to any party about my future/well being, if they want to remain hidden. My personal interest will never extend beyond mere curiosity under those circumstances. Which is fine, though co creation sounds more interesting despite the risks. And yeah - knowing how individual we are are by design, those in control rarely represent us, are rarely move the culture forward. So rethink the ET strategy double time if a difference outcome than present is desirable.

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I would also like to pick up the pace of disclosure and will suggest a few specifics.

Fully disclose now all the Epstein and Hunter Biden laptop material.

Fully disclose the existence of the extraterrestrials present around Earth and their role.

Fully disclose the military continuity of government situation and the trials of Deep Staters

Take over part of the media and begin to broadcast the truth.

Initiate the Quantum Financial System and GESARA.

Introduce some of the new technology.

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Bonjour Hakann, je pense que votre aide serait grandement appréciée. Depuis des années ils nous mentent, beaucoup de gens souffrent et sont malades. Nous avons peu de temps pour notre famille, nous passons plus de temps au travail afin de payer les factures pour garder notre maison et faire vivre la famille, ce qui est en fait plus de la survie. Dans mon entourage, il y a quelques personnes non éveillées mais il y en a beaucoup que je crois qu’ils ont seulement

besoin d’un déclencheur pour se réveiller et ils pourront accepter le changement , de plus nous serons là pour les aider. Je suis convaincu que beaucoup de gens sont prêts. Il est temps. Merci d’être là pour nous et de vous soucier de notre avenir et de notre évolution. Du fond du cœur, merci.


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Pleasure to meet you, Galactic Federation General Hakann. Thank you for your service to the people of Earth, our Sol Solar System, and our Milky Way Galaxy. I represent an alliance that originates from Gosia Duszak of Cosmic Agency, Queen Alenym and Mari Swaruu of Starship Toleka & Taygeta Pleiades intelligence, Cosmic Agency to Arishah of Starship Avyon-1 Urmah Feline Federation (UFF) intelligence, Alex Collier of Andromeda Viera Biosphere Galactic Federation Headquarters & Lunar intelligence, Simon Parkes Founder Connecting Consciousness of Alpha Draco & Mantid British Mi6 intelligence, Bradley Cihla & Dante Santori of Karistus-Jupiter & Anunnaki intelligence, Drew Logan of United States Army Special Forces intelligence, Daniel Burke of US Army and DOD cyber intelligence, Westley McDuffie of DOD, NSA, & FBI cyber intelligence, Vladimir Frolov of Russian FSB cyber intelligence, Andrew Basiago & Randy Cramer USMCss MDF of Mars intelligence, Kevin Burke and Dave Ray of United States Air Force intelligence, Espeed of US National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) intelligence, Benjamin Fulford of Japan-China-Korea East Asia White Dragon Cabal Liaison intelligence, Jared Rand of Silver Galaxy intelligence, Thomas Althouse (of 'The Immortals' aka 'The Matrix' franchise fame) of Hollywood FBI, Disney, Marvel, and Warner Bros intelligence, and Richard Wiss of Senetus Consultum intelligence.

I am the individual to contact to take charge and become Lead Coordinator of a new, exhaustively all-encompassing White Hat Alliance. We have a game plan and ability to take cooperative action to effectively unite humanity, guide, and lift the denizens of Planet Earth into a smooth transition into our economy-free moneyless post-scarcity abundant 5D lifestyle. At the very least, right now, I am here to establish a proper replacement for the late Donald J. Trump, compose a new White Hat treaty, dispute resolution for the surviving Grey & Black Hat forces, and provide new revolutionary 5D Earth Leadership Guidance. Please reply if you are serious. I am Your Man. You may call me Celaeno. At your service.

You may direct further communication to Chairman of the Board HE Richard Wiss XIII at Senatus Consultum to press@senatusconsultum.eu.

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Anyway, this was just an attempt at the greatest unification of allied forces in Earth's history. If this guy Hakann doesn't respond the buck won't stop here. Hakann inquired about replacing allegedly deceased Trump, and if he's serious about what he means, then he will respond in due time. Somehow I doubt he will. Hakann may not be a legitimate representative of the Galactic Federation and his "blog" is all smoke and mirrors. Yet, I, myself, am dead serious about my intentions, and I fully intend to unite this planet and solar system and beyond. It's premature to decide who and what Hakann truly is and is about, what his true intentions are at this point, and if he means what he says he means. I'll give him time, but if users like "the_dave" are any indication whether or not Hakann is legitimate or not, suffice to say I am not too confident here. Still, I wait ready to be pleasantly surprised.

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Jan 7, 2024
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Correct... And now you are now psychologically projecting your own insecurities and shortcomings in life. Sending my respect and empathic pity your way. Peace be with you, comrade.

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Jan 7, 2024
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Brag about this, boast about that. Your ego-mind is showing and your "good-luck" wishes are insincere. What did they do to you?

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Look, I appreciate your service or offer to stand up and help humanity....with that in mind, these factions, white dragon family, what ever color dragon families, secret societies and all government needs to go. These bloodline families have run humanity for thousands of years. Humanity needs REAL humans to stand up and help, not dead or fake ones. First of all Ben Fulford whom I do think wants to help humanity also relies on info from these groups and operatives, and also believes the White dragon family wants to help humanity when this could be further from the truth. What we see here is factions fighting with each other for control over humanity, hence the grey hats, which I am very tired of watching them lie and keep humanity in the dark with their tagline 'Trust the plan'. I know that once they find out Trump is no longer alive, it's gonna be chaos, and don't think they will go 'ok, thanks for lying to us all this time...thanks for letting my loved ones die so you could try to wake up people who would rather die than believe the truth...you know, the ones wearing masks driving alone in their cars. Those people....who still believe people died of a virus. Those people who told you to take a jab or you can't go buy food, wear a mask or you can't buy food, and destroyed many lives for what?

I know Trump is dead, Kim Goguen told us two years ago. No one believes her because they want to gain control of the financial system so they keep telling everyone she is lying. No one is gonna appreciate being lied to all this time supposedly for a lessor of two evils in which we'd have 'fewer deaths' than the other plan to kill off 90%.

It's all so convoluted that you can just tell the truth and be believed because of the thousands of years of trauma and mind control that has been going on.

First of all, we don't need leaders, we don't need gooberment. People are brainwashed into thinking we need gooberment to keep us safe....operative word 'safe'. I don't want to be controlled, nor do I want to agree to any more lockdowns or 'collateral damage' because supposedly it can't be avoided....IT"S ALL A LIE, so let's tell the truth, no more lies, let's stop the wars that pit us against each other. Let's stop using technology and poisoning us to dumb us down and to keep us in line or kill us off, let's stop the death traps...we know they exist. The memory wipes, etc. Let's get technology here to help heal and clear traumatic events from our being...we all deserve to be free and no leader is gonna do this unless they want to help us help ourselves, much like Kim Goguen is trying to do so this is why she can't just take over, she's not a leader but someone who wants to open the ability to have a free and open society and no longer being controlled by these factions and secret societies. We know of their rituals they do at their alters and their waiting for their God to come save them. WE KNOW ALL ABOUT THIS...but MSM hasn't acknowledged it yet so why don't we start there...NO MORE LIES ON MSM. In fact, everytime someone tells a lie, why can't there be a signal that tells people, this is a lie with an agenda.

I agree, white hats couldn't do what grey hats do which is necessary to defeat these dark blackhat archon things....they are not human, so HELLO upper echelon that keeps on waiting fo the grey hats to do the right thing...they will NOT reveal themselves, they know they will be dragged out and hanged or know no one is gonna appreciate them for lies and manipulation, no one wants to be manipulated.

So it might be a catastrophic disclosure because these people don't want us to know anything. They are still pushing the Trump thing and now Harris crap while we have sat here with the Biden BS and it's just not getting better, no truth in any of it. All they have done is polarize us and foment civil war. It is absolutely imperative if you have any inclination to help that the truth comes out on MSM, no more lies and death to await people waking up when they will NEVER wake up while still being manipulated and tramatized like they've done these past 4 years even....IT"S NOT ok to lie to us. I don't care about 'fog of war'. This is not helping.

HUmanity needs sovereignty and no leaders or government. No lies and release technology that could fix the problems quickly, like pollution and scarcity of clean air and food and water. It's simply a matter of these oligarchs and grey hats can't just be on top, I don't care who they think they are, they do not have reign over me.

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Jan 6, 2024
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Who do you represent? What primary organization do you lead?

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Jan 6, 2024
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Who is "we"? Who is "the dave"? What are your affiliations? You sound fearful, paranoid, anti-social with an aggressive, insecure, and accusatory tone. This invitation is for Hakann only. Sorry.

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Jan 7, 2024
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Oh? @the_dave, step aside, friend. You are getting in the way.

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Jan 6, 2024
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I don't hide. Hiding is for cowards and for people who are scared. Why hide when your intentions were pure and remain pure always and forever?

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请谈一谈议会细节。如果你在一个真正先进的文明,那么每个人都应该有权知道议会决策的每一个细节。请尽可能多的介绍决策者们和决策过程细节,同时更多的介绍一下“galactic confederation”。我知道你不想再作战时向敌方内部的己方间谍公开广播太多重要内容,但请尽可能多的描述。




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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

This was as true then as it is now. You want 'us' to free 'ourselves'? Like prisoners just...what, walking out of the prison? Ridiculous.

Do the FULL Disclosure. Everything and everyone. The TRUTH.

Then, and only then, can we be set free. Maybe the prison guards and the prisoners with the golden shackles will see the truth as well and won't fire on us. Or maybe there will be bloodshed, but far less than is inevitable if we remain in the death camp. But at least many of us will die knowing the truth, and more of us will fight knowing the truth and knowing the enemy. This is the only way, as of course, we will continue to be prisoners if the evil wardens and jailers are just replaced with kinder and gentler ones.

Again, we are prisoners from birth. That much is true, and while some of us deserve to be prisoners for what we have done while imprisoned, being imprisoned from birth is still unjust.

Full disclosure is the absolute first step in rectifying this injustice.

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