Hi Hakann how do i follow you on substack?

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Wow, juicy channeling!!! =DD

So Matrix was correct about how they download Kung-Fu skills and other information into their brains. It was correct about us being able to fly. The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy can be compared to the Galactic Network. I find it so funny that it needs peer-reviewing aswell and faulty information can sneak in. Blade Runner was correct about AI being able to become truly conscious. And like in They Live negative aliens underground the surface get their heads blown off by a single man and a shotgun.

Why do you need a civilization to join the Galactic Confederation to enjoy their meals? Would it be considered cultural theft if you just replicated their food? Or does hand-made food still taste the best, even compared to the best replicator technology and therefore you need Ranan cooks to enjoy glaubla – that name sounds so hitchhikey xD

Awesome, just awesome. I guess our experiences with duality will be a great contribution to the Galactic Network.

I still try to figure out this: we have been told Earth is the last stronghold of darkness in this galaxy, or maybe even universe. Why would after the Cosmic Wave still peace need to be brought to this galaxy? Anyways I will gladly contribute in the ways I'm shaped to.

We know it's a hard time for you Pleiadians and other lovely star races waiting for us Earthlings to open up to you collectively. Be assured it will not take too long any more, it's a matter of months or years. We love you and can't wait to finally meet YA

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"Hence, while I understand that people may be anxious about the current situation, we would like to invite you to keep doing your spiritual practice and to spend enough time in nature and with your loved ones. Looking inwards is usually more productive than looking outwards. "

This is unfeasible....

I talk in my name... I cannot SHUT DOWN my parts of being human...I do not want to stay on top of mountains and just pray... If this is what i expected from me i cannot do that... I do want a nicer car or trying something more fancy ... This may need money and other stuff... I cannot unplug this part of me just because the galactics says so...

The spiritual path was forced upon me and i have no control over the "spiritual agenda" ... On the other hand my human part that want things canoot be unplugged....

To be fair i am not excited about next day...One thing is to make an effort to climb a mountain and other thing to do a pointless ordeal of pain on earth for pleasing the agenda....

Many basic things are not fullfield for us....Is expected to sacrifice our life for.... earth ?

-- i have debts like others

-- i have my health problems that the medical system refuse to address so i have to waste time on them too ...

-- i have my socializing needs that are not met because the spiritual path as R'KOK said is very lonely

in the end of the day what's the point so much fanfare if i cannot change or be helped....... The earth will be here regardless if i am alive or not,... Agenda will go on even if i am dead or alive...

Many of guides become some sort of disconnected narcissistic..

In world wars on earth there war countries that send people to war without proper food, training and good weapon .... They expect soldiers fight motivated ...

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