To state I'm a little disappointed in this message from my Pleiadian Kin is a understatement. I'm going to ponder on the suggestions, keep inspiring my Friends, Family, Social Media Followers, form a plan, and be back in touch. I realize I don't have the "higher view" that you have of things here on Earth, but; it sure looks to me like your Crews continue to kick the can, rather than get in the fight. Who was it that dropped the ball long ago and gave the dark ones the access here in the first place and got tricked by the Reptilian b'stards when "something" was left out of our physical makeup?

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I'm a bit disappointed and surprised that the clear statement "a third world war will not come" changed to "it's unlikely but possible".

Still the reasons for not intervening YET make sense to me now as before.

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how many more must suffer ? This trouble started eons ago. I am putting the info together and will update everyone with what I feel is "something" that the Hankann and Crew are not realizing. I don't think they have a clue and obviously are not tapping into the right people when they are making their ASSumptions.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

I’m not one to sit on the sidelines after reading the reasons why in the article. So I have decided after a day of pondering on the best avenues that I will prove to Hankann and Crew that whomever He is getting his information from is not reflective of the general consensus of the actual people I associate with. Here are just a few of the ideas that are swirling around in my head at this moment.

I am going to perform both in-person and online “yes or no” polls that ask some basic questions, depending on the answers I receive will determine what and how will be the next steps to establish contact with Hankann and the Crew.

Do you believe in Aliens or Extraterrestrials?

Do you believe Aliens or Extraterrestrials are Good or Bad just like people are?

If given an opportunity would you be interested in meeting Aliens or ETs?

Are you interested in learning what this author has researched on these topics?

Do you feel meetings with Aliens or Extraterrestrials will help Society?


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Good luck ending this story while catering to the souls that are failing to evolve . Big mistake, and it's only going to get later, not better. You guys may have a longer range view on this, but for us on Earth, it feels we have been abandoned. Personally, I am done. I'm going to ask my Soul to remove me from this game, as it is no longer the mission I signed up for.

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don't give up, I've just started to fight. I've been patiently waiting and realize its time to take a more proactive role.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

I’m not one to sit on the sidelines after reading the reasons why in the article. So I have decided after a day of pondering on the best avenues that I will prove to Hankann and Crew that whomever He is getting his information from is not reflective of the general consensus of the actual people I associate with. Here are just a few of the ideas that are swirling around in my head at this moment.

I am going to perform both in-person and online “yes or no” polls that ask some basic questions, depending on the answers I receive will determine what and how will be the next steps to establish contact with Hankann and the Crew.

Do you believe in Aliens or Extraterrestrials?

Do you believe Aliens or Extraterrestrials are Good or Bad just like people are?

If given an opportunity would you be interested in meeting Aliens or ETs?

Are you interested in learning what this author has researched on these topics?

Do you feel meetings with Aliens or Extraterrestrials will help Society?


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I am using what Light I have in ways that I can to help who and what I can in our small, rural town. I am also trying to remain quietly behind the scenes - for now. My older neighbor and I share notes of the "ships" we see - almost nightly - and know that when the time is correct, we will meet and work with our Galactic brothers and sisters. Love and Light!

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Adriaan, promoting a website notorious for stealing content and requesting donations for posting stolen content damages your credibility. Endorsing a blog known for theft and fakery invalidates your channeling. Thank you for revealing the truth. This comment will also be posted on your YouTube channel so others there can see the truth.

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Wonderful. Waiting to hear what you see!

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