In essence, this post says that it does not make sense to make statements before you have genuinely tried to understand the other side. On the one hand, this seems to be plausible, since you cannot talk to people who think they know everything from the get go. It would certainly be more pleasant to talk with someone who would be able to take both views.

On the other hand, it takes time and effort to know the most important arguments of a different opinion. Even more time and effort it will take to know the more detailed aspects. And in many cases, it would be not clear when you know enough. So, how long are you supposed to learn before you can say anything?

In addition to this, you need to be humble and open-minded enough. Since if you thought that you would be right anyway, you would not bother taking the time. Or, at some point, you would stop trying. Maybe because you get angry because you realize the other side could be right – at least in some points. So, how humble are you really, and how open-minded are you really?

Furthermore, if you follow this method consequently, you would soon realize that about many topics you can only say very little. Either because you have not bothered about the other side’s arguments before. Or because the whole topic is unknown to you in the first place. Many times you would have to admit you do not know anything. Or not enough, as of yet, at least. But what kind of discussions will you have then?

Here, I think about how people behave in general. My impression is that many people feel insecure, and they want to belong to others. Even children are taught that there is either right or wrong, black and white. And, once again, many people do not have time and aptitude for learning anyway, and are not humble. So, they just pick a side. And they think they can relax because they are safe.

So stating “I do not know” not only makes yourself sitting on the fence. Also, in many cases, it puts you outside of social life. You may appear as someone who does not know what is right and wrong. Who does not know what you want. Who is evasive. Or even insecure. In essence, you will seem to be suspicious for many people. Simply because you are an example of someone who does not align. And who does not fit into a box.

But all that being said, I still think it is worthwhile trying to understand. I simply think it creates peace in your mind when you know that you do not know, and admit to it. Especially when you stop arguing only because you have accepted a concept without bothering about it. There are many sides, and one can take the best from both sides, or many sides.

Also, I have developed some scepticism about people who have firm opinions. When it comes to my normal life, I have experienced many situations where people thought they were caring, helpful and realistic, but were arguing in the most rigid and relentless way. And oftentimes, it turned out they were ignorant and biased. So it could be that there is some truth in this channelling.

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IMO - the dark cabal has brainwashed many on their side to think exactly how Emerelda is warning against. - That theyre right and theres no other way about it. That makes it very difficult to take a balanced position - when you know being reasonable gets you nowhere and the other side isnt willing to hear you.

Also, why is it not guaranteed that the ETs will intervene? What could make it so that they dont? Obviously our slim hope is that something like that happens. If it doesnt - then whats happening now seems like it will never end. The gray hats have shown that their plan is to do nothing apparently - at least that whats theyve done for 7 or 8 years which is obviously too long - so we're left without any route to reasonableness or an end of the craziness thats happening. And what about all the "guarantees" from Team ET that said they wouldnt allow WW3 or the use of nukes? Was that just false channelings from the dark side?

How does this relate to the sex change situation? Is there a reasonable position for them to have that supports the 20% or whatever it is of young people who are now identifying as the opposite sex? The main issue being that they force it on children. I dont think I can find anything reasonable about that. Is it me?

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