thank you Ashtar,thank you A.S,with all my love. hope to here you more Ashtar, and Im looking forward to meet you again here on earth and share with you with all of our stories.

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Thank you for confirming the "death sentence" and pointless neverending maintenance...Instead of exploring physical life i have been sentenced.....I don't want to save earth anymore or a dimension that is designed intentionall around pain without ways to exit.Pain in every corner.Inflicting pain on a human from other dimensions and also from physical enviroment means the person will be overwhelmed and enter in survival.The problem is this pain is unavoidable or there is an ilusion of unavoidaibly...

Who designed this dimension i hope it has succesfully pleased it's masochists satisfaction.....

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Apr 13Edited

Earth is not a school, it's torture and abuse for thousands of people, including children.

Would any truly compassionate person just sit there if they could stop the abuse of children happening right in front of them?

Humans have an excuse in that if they tried to stop it, powerful hired thugs would literally shoot them in the face. What excuse do galactics have?

And to all this, you say, just focus on ourselves? Not the overall system? That sounds like the perfect way for abuse enablers to continue the abuse.

I challenge you, whoever is out there listening who is on the astral, alien, or whatever planes, to question yourself and ask if YOU have been brainwashed by the systems ruling you into thinking the abuse on Earth is somehow ok and is a school. Are you really as enlightened as you claim to be? Or are you just preaching from a comfortable position to victims of abuse about how they should be doing better somehow, while enabling the abuse of psychopaths on Earth?

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