interesting perspectives to ponder. I personally would just request a a level playing field for the world that is not tipped in the cabals favor would be nice. The number of people I see could use assistance is staggering and never wittnessed before that i'm aware of. Is our ET brethren kicking the can rather than getting in the fight?

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The Ra material also conveniently "forgets" to mention that the path of service-to-self, when gone down far enough is a path of no return as some souls literally get lost in the dark beyond return and have to be dissolved into their light essence by force.

Respecting the path of service-to-self is allowing sheer evil to reign. This is not something that needs to be "managed" it has to be stopped once and for all!

Source is bringing this entire creation back into a state of oneness and every soul who is not willing to accept the light will be annihilated in the light!

The galactic codex states that every being shall be provided the opportunity to evolve freely and that intervention is required when this freedom is infringed on by the malevolent actions of other beings. And this is what was and still is happening on earth..

So while I can see the argument that a more autonomously liberation would benefit humanity and a more gradual takedown of the matrix would mean less chaos, I do not at all subscribe to the reasoning provided here. The earth stopped being a school the moment the archons quarantined it 26.000 years ago!

I love Ashtar, but I doubt he would say things like "Evil isn't a problem to be solved, it's a feature to be managed." - advocating for the continuation of duality are only those who have trapped themselves here forever because they know they can never ascend back into unity because that would require them to love and forgive themselves or feel remorse for what they have done.

The fall from unity was a tragic accident that ultimately resulted in the loss of many souls and to not loose even more and to stop the absolutely cruel and unnecessary suffering, this planet needs to be liberated and all darkness needs to be dissolved once and for all!

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The irony is that we bash masochists on Earth.We treat them as some sort of outcasts.

I am thinking now after reading all this that when someone in help comes to me i can say you want pain.Enjoy the pain because your soul want it if you came to earth.There is a soul that want you swim and bath in pain...

In my personal case is the same.I had plenty of complex health problems that ruined my daily life and got to deep dark...Soul want me in pain...I cannot save myself if soul want this vehicle in pain....

After the above channeling seems the best advice for earthlings is .... enjoy your pain/suffering because you cannot avoid it and the soul will keep you here until it wants to..I know now why earth feels to me like a torture chamber...

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No real school that's for your own good is abusive and tortuous. Torture is not learning. I think the whole concept that it's all for your growth is a cop-out and brainwashing tactic to try to get people to keep reincarnating and allowing themselves to be abused. Someone else or a group of someones is benefitting from all this abuse and torture. Maybe they're coming to earth and watching people suffer for their own enjoyment because they're sadistic parasites. Maybe it's funny or entertaining to them to play good cop/bad cop to abuse people and then dangle the possibility of help and relief as so-called higher beings, playing out both their big evil villain and hero fantasies in turn whenever it suits them.

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thank you for your words, they are deeply encouraging to me. Yes, we need you to deepen your understanding of what our interstellar seeds are enduring now, what our Earth family is enduring. Please, do not delay any longer. As your allies, we are truly striving to survive, striving to move towards the light. We understand your losses and pains, but please also understand us. Please, empathize with us more and understand us. Please imagine what it would be like for a loving Pleiadian to live in New York for a month; he would probably die before he could even last a week. Please stop drinking coffee on the mothership and sending us light and love; it's really not enough!

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Hats off for the way you explained such a complicated concept in such a simple way, this requires wisdom and is one of the most important disclosures given to me to date Your explanation from a higher perspective resonates with me, and clarifies things very well.

This is what I had in mind, that the current matrix is doing its job, the way it is supposed to be. However "anything goes" tends to go out of control and there is now so much unnecessary suffering among the people who are still sleeping, which is not pleasing to see. So there are a couple of features which need to be managed, surely we all can build an even better and more perfect Earth Course for the lower selves.

I am enormously pleased for any kind of disclosure which brings more sense to my mission, as it was in this case, and thanks to everyone involved in the chain bringing this message to me.

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When prime anomaly gets dissolved, won't all courses become light and pleasant again? Here it sounds like darkness is an intended ingredient of creation for more effective soul growth?

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This perspective makes a lot of sense. I am grateful for it being transmitted here. (Not just saying 'thank you' can get quite complicated.) =))

It never felt genuine for me to "decree divine intervention NOW" – I want it to be done in the best possible way, from the highest vantage point.

That we all are doing light work while asleep is actually a good motivation to go to bed early enough. =)

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I think peoples desire for changes is based on their position on Earth. If you are financially okay, then its not too big of a problem to let things continue. If youre struggling, homeless, always dealing w shortages or just not getting along in life, then you want change as fast as possible. Whenever I read someone who says they can wait - its no problem let things play out for as long as they need to, Im pretty sure that person has at least a reasonably decent life and no major financial problems. They probably have a decent home thats secure, etc.

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You are right about that, I have a rather comfortable life right now. Some years ago it was pure torture; I resorted to hating god for leaving me in that pain.

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Absolutely 💯... even as far as missions, all great if your mission is to sit at home and meditate, some of us lightwarriors have insanely difficult missions and are holding on by a thread. I have had 4 lightwarrior friends die over the past couple of years and all died due to sheer exhaustion, due to ongoing attacks, both energetic and personal. The cavalier attitude where our good people are left to suffer indefinitely is starting to generate resentment. We are not going to be able to hold on indefinitely. And yes these people's souls called them back home, but what kind of ascension timeline are we creating, where the good people are not making it because too tired? Who are they going to build this new Earth with?

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