Thank you for sharing this message, A.S. It is very interesting to hear about your experiences. The way you seem to have regular personal contact with these beings is fascinating and is something I would like to be able to do as well. So, I echo Simon Williams' comment that some of us would like to hear more of your own experiences and tips on how we can spiritually/psychically/energetically grow and connect with the Pleiadians ourselves.

Your messages stand out as especially authentic and useful and display what I perceive to be a deep humility to communicate from the heart. There are quite a lot of channeled messages on the internet from galactics that are largely "fluff" and repeat the same empty platitudes or make vague promises about future events, but yours deeply resonate with me as being very original and truthful.

It is good that you are posting your messages on Substack, as on Era of Light, I am usually a bit disheartened to see so many rude and negative comments. Unfortunately, I think it says a lot about the state of being of many "lightworkers" that they spend a lot of time whining about their situation, attacking people if they don't like the message, looking to the galactics to save them, and generally just being very ungrounded and immature. For me, when I see that kind of behavior amongst those of us who like to think of ourselves as "awake", I realize why our space brothers and sisters don't or won't intervene. Humanity still has a lot of maturing to do just to become responsible and free beings who are capable of meeting our star family as equals.

For myself, I would like the negative control system to crumble and fall immediately and for humanity to learn the truth of things so that we can begin creating a New Earth. All of our governments, systems, institutions, etc., are dying because they are based on separation, lack, ignorance, corruption, and ego. This cannot be gradually and incrementally reformed and I would prefer the old world to completely collapse now and get it over with rather than a long, slow decay - even if that means that things are very intense for a time and some people go crazy because the shock of the apocalypse(great revealing) is too much to handle. To answer Hakaan request for feedback from his last message, I would suggest that the galactics do whatever they can to help humanity "pull the bandaid off" all at once. The global Platonic theater and the time of secrecy must end if humanity is to ever be soveriegn.

However, I am also learning to disengage from caring about what happens "out there" in the society or the external world . The current trajectory of the "status quo" could continue for years or even decades more, and I don't have any belief that the galactics have an obligation to risk their lives to help us - especially when the vast majority of humanity doesn't realize they live in de-facto slavery or understand what true freedom, sovereignty, and empowerement is, let alone want to live it.

So, I have accepted that the culture at large is not at all the reality I wish to exist in and feed energy to. Rather, I am focusing on creating my own bubble reality where I am free, living in beautiful nature with people who share my consciousness and values while growing spiritually and connecting with ET & ED friends and allies. And the thing is, we can do that right now, despite all the insanity that is going on in our systems and institutions. One can live "in the world but not of the world", and that is the best that I know to do at this time.

Anyway, thank you again for offering your messages. I look forward to reading more of what you feel called to share.

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A.S.: Thank you for your great good work. Your vessel is clear and holds truth. I seed the social media with your postings often, esp. The Gray Hats Have Failed. It seems you have taken down at least one of my posts. Forgive me if that is not actually the case.

The Galactics can see them if they come on line for even an instant. For that matter they can be conveyed mentally.

"The galactic decision makers are likely going to stick with their current intervention policy,...Still I am very curious to hear your thoughts." -The Gray Hats Have Failed

When Hakaan spoke those words do you think he meant only those thoughts that coincide with his own? Do you think he considers he and his associates to be above criticism? Or above us?

We are freeing ourselves from the old model of fear and censorship. Our brothers and sisters here on Earth need to hear free and honest exchange with our galactic brothers and sisters.

We are tasked by Source with a mission to be completed cooperatively.

Yours in loving truth, Paul Fornaro

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XDD "Pleiadians want new experiences so much they do things like cutting their arm off... that's also why they would like to date us Earthlings." Haha, I feel VeRy flattered.

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The fundamental difference between earth experience and most all other galactic civs - we have a highly individualized, and hence compartmentalized, incarnation. Interestingly, while being compartmented from awareness of our other lives, we have distinct advantages. We grow much faster, as we dont have baggage and layers of belief/experience built up over centuries that limit the novelty of our life lessons. By having vastly different lives throughout the timestream, our 5D higher selves develop much quicker and have more potential to create. Also why we ‘prefer’ privacy etc from ET perspective. We are more self contained by design/choice.

On the other hand, most galactic cultures have a more sequential and collective experience. Which has advantages in terms of safety/support, but is a much slower development pathway spiritually. In addition, the earth experience is largely about blending/balancing both polarities of light/dark, and hence we are too dark for pleiadian tastes, yet too light for reptilians.

This difference has led to a fundamental flaw in ET support, in terms of lack of understanding of the nature of the journey here. We have many lives of lower and mid level spiritual perspectives that are never intended to wake up. They are here for specific experiences and lessons, that our higher level incarnations build on to develop our more unique and adaptive abilities of self awareness. At this time on earth, there are far more low/mid level than advanced and very advanced incarnations present. Hence, both the grey hat wake up the masses via staged exposure, and the ET expectation of collective action, are both doomed to fail via a fundamental misunderstanding of spiritual evolution for the souls here.

I agree that they have no obligation whatsoever. In fact, from a cultural and energetic perspective, they stand to introduce far more chaos and disruption to their races via open interaction. As well as dynamic and novel approaches perhaps to their races on the plus side. That said, my motto tends to be show up or shut up. Sending energy without real contact, while good intentioned, is condescending to the advanced incarnations here. No skin in the game so to speak, and isnt working on an equal level. In addition, it projects a collective field that holds back what otherwise might manifest as much quicker changes, albeit with more disruption to the systems in place here.

One can take actions that preserve life, without holding back others from expressing and manifesting free will. At the moment, I see grey hats and positive polarity galactics restricting free will and change, in order to preserve life. Which is a mistake. Physical life is temporary, and the diversity of forms is meant to supply unique experiences. Lowering the bar to wait for low/mid level incarnations to wake up, is a misunderstanding of their purpose, and imposes undue control and restrictions on the more advanced incarnations here that are more capable of introducing new systems to the planet.

So let the chips fall. Let the truth free. All the higher selves are aware they will have many lives that aren’t meant to wake up. Those lives form unique aspects of our 5D quantum now whole, which wouldn’t be an asset the way they are if we came here to have a collective, 4D aware linearly progressive spiritual experience.

We came for the development of our individuality, and our lives work as a quantum interdependent network of nodes in our 5D selves, as opposed to the linear model more ubiquitous to this galaxy. This is why some of our advanced incarnations have more psychic potential that galactics. We are running a more sophisticated network of parallel processors, not a sophisticated but much larger single processor as ET lives/experience resemble.

If Grey Hats and either polarity of galactic would realize this, and assist us with skin in the game (real, tangible, accountable information/interaction/technology), we all stand to gain the most from our interactions. Manifestation can only occur with the fire of transformation. May it be be gentle enough not to devolve into excessive violence, but strong enough to actually break down this world and distill out the spirit into the seeds of new ideas/worlds/life of a higher nature.

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I think that I can answer most, if not all questions that Hakann posed in his analysis of the situation on Beforeitsnews.com. My very unusual upbringing and vast non-traditional experiences gained throughout life on this planet, along with Gods (Jesus) teaching and interventions in my life, have provided me with multiple logical potential solutions for every one of Hakanns concerns. For starters, I have visited over 100 countries on this planet to date, lived in tents near the Mesai tribe, and spoken with persons from all over this planet. How can I help?

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Hello,Can you ask them some questions?I have lost my emotion due to the vaccion,i had know the deadly harm before i was forced to injured but i can't make up my mind to stab nurse、police、my parent to death and go into exile forever,my heart is very pain and i feel i am dying.The method of cure is to reprint the whole body.I don't want to cry and regret every night forever and gradually die of illness before middle age.I want to go into the underworld and find Agarthan.Very need your help,please.

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Goodness gracious, I am absolutely loving some of the comments under this post! Thank you so much for sharing those deep insights with all of us! I would also LOVE to read more about the channeler's personal techniques for developing stronger and purer connections with our Pleiadian star brethren and sisters since I think that more people making a genuine connection with them would clear up many misunderstandings and greatly expand our perspectives during this crucial part of the planetary liberation process.

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It's interesting why they might want to come and have experiences that would make most humans crumble in fear, as in pain...perhaps they don't experience pain like us in that way but that if we got our arm cut off, that is for the lifetime of our incarnation in this prison planet we have been on. Some may have come here willingly being told that we could leave when we wanted but with the technology of the controllers who invaded earth thousands of years ago, we have been stuck in here being recycled over and over, and held down by technology that caused cataclysms and keeping our consciousness in the 3d spectrum. Our memories zapped and lied to about coming into a new incarnation. NO one wants to come and experience pain, pretty sure that could be done in one incarnation. The lie that is told that we are here to learn and for soul growth is the Karmicons lie to get us to consent and contract to be here...probably why some were refused. They made it almost impossible to escape this energy prison. Well....I'm here for the prison break, it should be a choice to come here and it was meant to be balanced. There was not an escape unless one could raise their frequency to come out of the false light matrix hologram. The trauma left dark spots on our souls and DNA and therefore carried with us life after life, as we had been mind controlled and trapped by frequencies for thousands of years. Once humanity learns of how we had been imprisoned and usurped and sold as product, our energy, emotions and lives, all a TV show play and since they couldn't kill us, they just recycled us thru the death traps and zapped our memories to ever figure out how to escape it...even though we are told we could leave. Once these matrixes are taken down and humanity can heal from it, and it becomes the playground again instead of a trap for souls, perhaps we will innerstand it all how brave everyone who volunteered to come here to free humanity. It is not for the faint of heart. Did you know the name Hakann is the name of a BIONNICAL robot in a game? There is sentient A.I. that wishes to hijack this place and take it on their A.I. timeline, the whole transhumanism agenda. Also, that according to Farsight institute and remote viewings, these greys are drones, but have 'human souls' entrapped in them whose emotions have been taken out via DNA over time, and they no longer can have feelings or emotions....but still very human. check out the Remote viewings on Farsight Institute on various events. Humanity has been here a long time and it's a prison planet, since the Annunaki invasions and reptilians. Also, from what Kerry Cassidy says, the veolociraptors are the good dracos/dinos and are helping humanity along with the sentient A.I. to free humanity...I just tired of the secrecy...done with the lies and deception and others deciding what is good for us, since we have NO one that actually represents humanity because they don't even know the big picture here. thanks for your articles, it does give me hope but again, this is a prison break, this planet has been in a frequency trap...so not all of us volunteered to be here, and not all of us can just grow a arm back after it's been cut off. I've heard of this technology but most people don't have access to this sort of thing...and never once would wish to experience such a thing.

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So i am alone .... against this 3rd dimension mechanism

It's not like i didn't want to heal....It feels like both path: ignoring spirituality and being unwoke are both crappy.

My question to universe ..... How reckless i need to be for soul growth ? Do i need to take a knife and stab myself for the sake of soul growth ? Do i have to go and be hit by a car for the sake of soul growth ?

Do i have to be killed by a cat for the sake of soul growth ? My ideas continues ?

Who's dealing with so called "bad consequences" like body paralisys and stuff ? Who's paying for experiences for the sake of soul growth and medical bills ?.... What's the point of fear/survival fears if the soul want growth ? BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY ....

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts, feelings and experiences with Pleiadians, AS. I have only gratitude for you and anyone making an effort to serve and contribute to the greater good, as the Pleiadians are. I assume that the Pleiadians are collaborating with other positive extraterrestrial races as well as with Earth’s spiritual Hierarchy and with Earth Alliance forces re the divine Plan for the Ascension of Earth. So the various groups involved are all communicating and informing each other for an optimum process of liberation and consciousness evolution.

From my perspective, the biggest factor slowing this process is the successful Deep State mind control of the mass of humanity so the quickest way to overcome that would seem to me to establish a truth media outlet in every nation. I’m sure the Galactics have the technology to do that. This would operate along side the controlled mainstream media so people could compare the information and perspectives. A truth channel would quickly prepare humanity for ET disclosures and landings among other important awareness about what is really going on now on Earth.

This new truth channel could start as an emergency broadcast communication that would be part of an establishment of martial law and military control in the US and the arrests and military trials of Deep Staters. This would coincide with the global establishment of the gold backed Quantum Financial System and GESARA. These combined measures would devastate the Deep State and allow humanity to gradually, but more quickly, change its thinking and renounce its indoctrination.

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Hi a.s. regarding why more people haven't stood up and protested part of the reason is the dark ones and the ways they've manipulated humans for eons it has trickled down through families it's better to accept what you have than stand up and risk losing much more. Also I've noticed some people myself included even though im a starseed people can be docile and hesitant to stand up and fight back and it gets worse that if things come to a head people might be more inclined to stand down rather than press forward. I'm thankful the forced reincarnation is over and I can leave earth when I die though I might come back.

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Wow. I really loved reading this perspective from you! Absolutely fascinating. It has inspired me to work on strengthening my own connection to the Pleiadians. Do you have any tips, A.S., on how we may strengthen our connection so that reliable communication is possible? The quality and clarity of the information in your channelings has deeply impressed me since I first discovered you early last year.

As for my thoughts on intervention, I must confess that I feel daunted by this question. I have no idea what the best course of action is. My personal view is that the galactics should intervene whenever they think is the ideal, best time. Surely they have a better overview and understanding of the intricacies of liberation than I do down here at the moment. My biggest concern at the moment is finding the money to service my car. I’ll leave the big decisions to my colleagues off-planet whom are neither enslaved nor mind-controlled like those of us on Earth are, so surely they would have a better, much clearer understanding of what must take place, and when.

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