Greetings A.S,

I would like to start off by saying that you are Amazing and Thank you for everything you do! How easily a Blind caveman can dismiss a name or call something a demon. Those who are truly unaware of the truth, will they truly know?

All of my life, I have been searching for answers, all of my life nothing made sense. Looking back at all of the information I've studied, just in the last 3 hours of reading your channelings, I've learned so much more!

Please let Anos, Hakann, Tunia, and all of our brothers and Sisters, that I am ready for more Galactic Downloads!

Thank you and much love,


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I am relieved to hear there are Pleiadians who just want to have fun. When I imagine my mid-term future it's all about having fun (similar to Butterflyman) and I was a bit concerned that might render me incompatible with Galactics who all seem to work so hard for the well-being of all. Surely one can have fun in a very spiritual way though.

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Fuck all you ETs. you sit on the sidelines and do nothing. We are all drowning because of the careless decisions you made and you watch like a bunch of sycophants. I am tired of you all making bullshit excuses. I could solve Earth's problems in a day if I had your power. Either do something or leave. I am harassed by evil entities on the daily and I beg and beg for your intervention and again and again you do nothing. If you are going to be a punch of useless idiots I would prefer that you leave and never come back. If that is the case we don't need you and can solve our own problems eventually. Because surely you wont be the ones to do it.

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Jan 28Edited

This caveman analogy seems similar to the Prime Directive, thinking of those of less technology as also lesser in general and not treated as equals who deserve access to the same levels of information. But aren't we all equals, on a soul level? Those of us trying to do the right thing are intentionally kept in a state of less knowledge by dark controllers, because that makes it easier to abuse us and keep us down. If those who are good and with more knowledge won't share their knowledge with us and treat us as equals, it's perpetuating that whole dark pyramid hierarchy and helping to continue this whole abusive setup worldwide.

Instead of overthinking the future possibilities, it might be better to simply share knowledge openly about everything you know that might help us stop the dark controllers. That way we could have an open dialogue that allows all of us to help find the right answers, instead of keeping all problem solving above our heads. Are we to believe the "good" side is completely above corruption? Knowledge is power, and the more power is kept high up in a hierarchy, the more likely it is that the power has corrupted them. Knowledge is better shared with everyone to increase transparency and keep leaders honest. It is difficult to have real free will without access to accurate knowledge about the true situation in the world.

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Thank you for sharing this. So much more actually makes sense to me now. I do think if more was done to remove the pedophiles things would be lots better now.

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Awesome...........After reading this i feel the mechanism is faar too complicated.I finally know why i had so much problems in conversations with vast majority of people.

I do feel the creation shot itself in the foot with this complexity.

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Bonjour A.S

Je trouve cette métaphore intéressante

Je ne pense pas qu Anos nous traite d hommes des cavernes

C est juste qu il doit exister un même différentiel de concience entre nous et les hommes des cavernes qu entre nous et les galactiques les plus évolués

Cela ne me surprends pas, ces galactiques ont une technologie et une conscience qui est plus évolué que nous, d une manière que à mon niveau je ne peux pas comprendre.

Si je peux comprendre ma propre perspective, je ne peux pas comprendre

Vraiment celle d une personne tellement plus évolué que moi

Ce serait comme un enfant de quatre ans voulant comprendre celle d un adulte

Alors la métaphore de la tribune des cavernes aides

Je ne me rends pas compte par exemple que les mots et les concepts que j employé peuvent être limités

J ai hâte de communiquer avec de tels être car ce sera pour moi un grand enrichissement de ma conscience, un élargissement

Le passage qui m a attristé, c est cette demande implicite de respecter les papillons

Oui, j estime avoir du respect pour les être vivants

Pourtant je mange encore de la viande issue de l élevage industriel, ce qui n est pas respecter la nature

J en mange car ma famille en mange, il me semble aussi que cela m équilibre un peu.

Ce n est pas évident ici sur terre de respecter la vie à 100 pour 100

J espère que cela changera rapidement

En tout cas j ai trouvé ce message instructif


Camille frossard

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