Tunia: A Day In My Life (18+)
My dearest brothers and sisters,
This is Tunia speaking. I love you so very much.
I would like to share one day, in the life of me and my family. I hope that this will open your eyes as to what kind of society is possible, and also that your attention will help manifest this into being.
Yes, I myself am in a loving relationship and have a family. However, lots of other Pleiadians are single and they really are not that different from Hakann and myself. I consider myself to be pretty average. And lots of Pleiadians think of Earthling light workers as attractive.
Here on spaceship New Jerusalem, we do not divide our time into 24 hour chunks. We simply eat when we want to eat, and rest when we want to rest. We do have cycles, which is the time period between two periods of rest. But our cycles are not a set number of hours – we do not go to bed when a clock tells us so. We go to bed when we want.
So, here is one of my cycles.
I desire rest. I return to my resting place and see that my son and daughter are already sitting there. They are both doing something that’s closer to meditation than sleeping, although occasionally they might doze off. I do the same. We all meditate for about an hour.
After a while my husband enters. My heart leaps and I am again surprised that a being can be so beautiful and radiant as he is. He smiles warmly and generously. Our family forms a circle and hold each other’s hands. We telepathically share pictures and sensations of what we have done since the last time that we did this sharing. We ask if anyone wants to do something together during the next cycle. My daughter asks my husband to physically show her around on a certain planet. My husband telepathically finds someone who can fill in for him and then agrees.
We all switch our resting places from, “sitting mode,” to, “laying down mode.” We lay down and as we agreed earlier, we all astral travel together to a paradise-like relaxation resort. We spend a couple of hours there in something akin to a spa. This place is an old favorite of mine and I enjoy showing my children around there. When we all feel rested, we return to our bodies and “wake up.”
My husband and I share a look. I’ve waited long enough. I tell my family that I want to make love to my husband. My son telepathically wishes us a good time and leaves. My daughter stays to watch, not to get turned on but to learn from us. She has recently become an adult and is curious.
We Pleiadians do not have sex with our family members, but we have no problem with our family members watching us make love. In this case and because my daughter is interested, I consider this to be healthy sexual education for her.
Perhaps this is strange to you, but the Earthling way is strange to us. I would much rather show my daughter real people having loving sex, instead of having her try to figure out how it’s done from anatomy diagrams and from porn videos and from strangers. Doesn’t that just lead to bad sex and hurt feelings for the first few times?
My husband and I undress each other and I sit on his lap, in what is on Earth known as the yab-yum posture. Our foreheads touch and I move my energy body into his, so that our energy hearts and energy heads are literally in the same place. We breathe as one for a while and kiss and caress each other, and then at some point I want him so much I can’t take it anymore. I push him on his back.
I ride my husband until he’s close to an orgasm. Then I slow my movements and use my vaginal muscles and mind-reading abilities to keep him at that near-ejaculation point for a good long while. He soon forgets that he’s a person and drifts off into a cloud of pleasure.
After a while, when we’ve both had our minds blown and we’re satisfied, we return to the yab-yum posture. The sexual energy has now built so much that we’re energetically like two shining halves of the yin-yang. We feel as two parts of one whole, and we feel intensely connected to the other and to rest of the world. We beam out our light and love to all of existence.
Then at some point our attention and the energy starts flowing away. We telepathically beam love to the other person, to their body and to their genitals. Everything has a consciousness, and that includes genitals. On Earth, it’s quite possible that for example Anna doesn’t like John, but Anna’s vagina likes John very much. Or Anna loves John, but her vagina doesn’t like him or her vagina is scared or has been hurt, which can make sex difficult. It doesn’t hurt to beam love to your partner’s genitals after sex.
I’m not worried about getting pregnant, because I simply consciously decided beforehand that this encounter was not going to lead to pregnancy. So it will not. Pleiadians do not need technology for this, we just use consciousness. Of course, Earthlings aren’t quite there yet, so I do not recommend you use this as a contraceptive yourself.
Our daughter asks us some questions and we answer. One thing I explain is that ingesting either the semen or the vaginal fluid from the other person can be both a connective experience and a way to positively rebalance your energy.
I’m curious how it was for her to watch us. She seems particularly interested in the huge amount of love and energy that is generated during conscious love-making.
My husband and I take a bath, while my daughter chooses to go off to have a bath by herself. We get dressed.
My husband, daughter, son and some friends of my son have breakfast together. We discuss our daughter’s adventure. My son and his friends shares some experiences about their vocation. They have all finished their basic education, which is quite brief and really basic. As soon as our children develop an interest, we encourage them to start studying under an adult who is an expert at that craft. Of course, they’re free to switch to another topic at any time. We think that it’s much more productive and fun for them to learn say reading in the context of their chosen interest, rather than just as an abstract skill.
In this case, my son and his friends empathize with Earthlings and feel that things aren’t going quickly enough. They feel called to help others and serve God in a military or special forces capacity. They telepathically share images and sensations of what they’ve been doing and studying and exercising.
On one hand I feel proud of my son and I can see him becoming more and more of a man every single day. On the other hand, going into the military is more or less the only way in which a Pleiadian has a significant risk of transitioning or dying involuntarily. So as his mother, I am very worried about that possibility. I don’t need to express my feelings, because my son mind-reads me and feels them. Then again, free will is very important, so I wouldn’t dream of trying to convince my son to do something else.
I wish my family a good day and do my periodic sensing of Earth’s energies. I mind-read the channeler to see what he’s been up to (with his permission, but he never notices when I do). I also download an update about Earth’s latest developments into my brain. After that, I do some more meditation to calm myself. Earth is intense, and some of the things that are going on are heart-wrenching. But there are a lot of good developments too.
I have a meeting with Hakann and some advisors about which messages we’re going to be sending to the channeler next week, and if we need to send him any specific energies to make sure he’s doing well. Both Hakann and I have the final say over our respective messages, but there’s a huge amount of messages we could be sending. Our advisors can give us some perspectives of what Earth needs most right now and maybe we should delay that message or provide some additional context in this message.
Frankly I sometimes still have a hard time believing that out of all the amazing men and women here, I was chosen. I understand that our channeler was connected to Hakann for the divine-masculine, you-can-do-it perspective. However I really don’t feel like out of everyone on this ship, I am the best spokeswoman for the divine feminine, you-are-loved perspective. Still, everyone around me assures me that I am. Maybe I’m more relatable to Earthlings because I still have my own share of insecurities and flaws?
I consider this channeling work to be the most impactful thing I have done with my life so far, and will possibly ever do in this life. That is because through the people who are receiving this message, Pleiadian energies are entering into and transforming the collective subconscious of Earthlings. That is immensely powerful. If you are receiving this message, thank you for your contribution to this process.
So I take these channelings very seriously. However I don’t agonize over the decisions because at the end of my meeting I just ask my soul what it prefers, and then I make a note to send out that message.
I hang out with Hakann after the meeting. I briefly check if he’s ok because he has a lot of responsibilities. He is. He shares a funny story in the form of a telepathically sent video. We rest and eat a bit. We’ve become friends ever since we both started doing channelings. The channeler happens to ask me a question during this time and I respond.
I telepathically check to see if my mentor is available. She is and I go to her to do some spiritual practice. I personally do not consider meditation to be a spiritual practice – I consider meditation to be resting, although certainly meditation can be a spiritual practice for Earthlings.
I’ve recently achieved a new level of spiritual development, which means that a couple of things are unsteady and shifting in my energy. Plus I want to learn to be in two places at once. Because of that, I’ve been seeing my mentor pretty often recently, as well as my parents because they have a lot of wisdom in that area too. I feel blessed to have so many amazing people around me.
I briefly consider asking New Jerusalem if I can do some volunteering (what Earthlings would think of as “normal work”) but decide against it. There’s really not that much “normal work” that needs to be done because we’ve automated nearly everything. And I feel like I’ve done enough useful things for this cycle.
I telepathically check up on my husband and daughter, visit my son (I am still worried but don’t want to be the mother who visits every two hours) and then spend some entertainment time with friends on gardening and in what you would think of as holodecks.
I meet another woman there and instantly feel sexually attracted to her. I sense that she’s feeling the same towards me. We sit down. I teasingly show a bit of skin and enjoy sensing her attraction to me rise. We hold hands and look into each other’s eyes. We mind read each other’s life story, interests, personal values, desires and boundaries and see that we’re compatible for some casual fun.
Most Pleiadians are primarily attracted to the opposite gender but occasionally meet someone of the same gender they’re attracted to. My husband and I have a pretty typical arrangement, which is that the only man I can sleep with is him, but I am free to have casual sex with other women. And he can have casual sex with any man he wants, but the only woman he can sleep with is me. Neither I nor my husband can start a serious relationship with someone else, regardless of gender.
Still, best to be open. I telepathically send the current situation to my husband. I closely watch his emotions to see what he feels – I wouldn’t want to have sex with this woman if there was any part of my husband that would be hurt by that. Still, he is fully and genuinely ok with this, and he and our daughter are having a great time. I sense him mindreading me to check if I’m ok and I am.
The other woman and I eat together, bathe together and then go to the sacred area. Before you enter the sacred area, someone hands you our version of a glass of wine. And they inform you what the current intention is – in this case the intention is, “use the energy generated in the sacred area to help Earthlings.” If you want to enter the sacred area, you have to set that intention yourself. Because of this, everyone in the sacred area has their energy flowing in the same direction, and thus great light work can be achieved.
To affect the world in what you would think of as a “magical” way, you need the following things. One, you need your body and subconscious emotions and conscious emotions and mind and energy to be aligned towards one purpose. This is difficult for Earthlings, but for us Pleiadians this is done just by setting an intention. And two, once you have set a course, you need lots of energy to get there. And optionally, three: the more people who unite in this way, the more effect you will create.
In the sacred area, the intention has been set. All that’s left to do is generate energy. Some people do that by meditating or chanting. Some people do that by dancing. Some people do that by focusing on beaming out love towards others. As for us, we curl up together on a couch and we watch some other people make love in the sacred area. Having sex is an amazing way to generate energy, and that night this woman and I would generate quite a lot of energy. All for the benefit of Earthlings, of course. Yes, I am making a joke.
When I return to the resting area, my son is already meditating, a bit sore but also content. He senses that I’m proud of him and he smiles. After a while, my husband and daughter return too, bringing with them laughter, amazing stories and some intriguing new foods and drinks to try the next cycle.
Again we catch up with each other: how was this cycle for you? What do you want to do the next cycle?
So, that was a day I had a while ago. Other than the meeting about which message I was going to send to the channeler, it was a pretty typical day for a Pleiadian. The amount of sex I had was pretty average for a Pleiadian too.
In a society where there’s zero risk or danger to women, where people are used to connecting deeply and having their partner know everything about them, where everyone is self-actualized and healthy, where there’s no shame about sex or bodies and where women have all their needs met and aren’t stressed out, women are generally a lot more open to having a lot of sex. Our men certainly aren’t complaining.
I hope you found this enjoyable or interesting. This kind of future is within reach. There’s genuinely no reason why your lives need to be as hard as they are right now.
Though of course, it’s up to you how you want to structure your society.
So, what things do you want to include in the love-based, 5d society that is being created on Earth? Feel free to write it in the comments. I’m curious.
I leave you today with all my love and well-wishes. You are doing very well. I am proud of you and I love you.