Hakann: Earth's Hybrid Culture
My dearest brothers and sisters,
This is Hakann speaking. I greet you in peace and love.
Today I would like to share that, from my perspective, Earth culture isn't really a human culture. Instead Earth culture is a strange and somewhat schizophrenic hybrid of human and reptilian culture.
Yes, obviously it's a huge generalization to talk about Earth culture as if Earth culture is one uniform thing. Still, all major cultures on your world are hybrids of human and reptilian cultures. In my previous message: Hakann: Patriarchy & "Believe The Chief", I shared that Earth humans were strongly influenced by reptilians during humanity's primitive tribal years,
Some examples of reptilian cultural influence may be obvious. Namely: racism, sexism, violence, sexual violence and war. You may think it's natural for humans to engage in these things, but from my perspective, it really isn't.
We've done experiments where we temporarily wipe the mind of consenting, volunteering Pleiadian human adults and put them in a natural environment. Until they're restored at the end of the experiment, these people forget everything, including language and their own name. We also make them resemble Earth humans by temporarily blocking their innate abilities, such as their ability to read minds. The only thing they retain are their basic motor skills, so that they can still move their body. And in these experiments we find that unless humans are traumatized, or are subject to direct reptilian influence or to a reptilian-influenced culture or are burdened by a negative collective subconscious or by ancestral trauma... humans don't engage in racism, sexism, violence, sexual violence or war.
You might think that food scarcity would drive humans to war, but what we find instead is that it's natural for humans to share their food freely in times of scarcity. Hence conflict is avoided. This is what we have confirmed via these experiments.
In one scientific experiment, we had a group of mind-wiped Pleiadians in a natural environment. Then we sent in the galactic confederation reptilian R'Kok with his mind fully intact and with a subversive mission. And he was able to re-create basically Earth culture disturbingly quickly, complete with all kinds of violence and unfair hierarchies and people judging other people over inborn characteristics. We ended the experiment just before one half of the group was manipulated by R'Kok into waging war on the other half of the group. Even though all of these people were our beautiful and beloved Pleiadian brothers and sisters, who before the experiment wouldn't even dream of saying unkind words to each other.
Apparently it really isn't a fair contest, between unaware humans with no innate abilities on one hand, versus a being with galactic knowledge and powerful innate abilities on the other hand.
This was also a good reminder for anyone in the galactic confederation who needed it that no, we are in fact not better than Earth humans. We just happen to have been born in a loving, post-scarcity, galactic society.
This experiment was disturbing but also very informative.
In essence, racism, sexism, violence, sexual violence and war aren't something that humans come up with themselves. However if nefarious actors establish cultures in which those things happen, then that culture keeps perpetuating itself. Or alternatively, if nefarious actors traumatize or abuse people, then often those people start inflicting abuse or trauma on others and passing the trauma down to their children. It's unfortunately much more common for a person to pass trauma on to their children, than it is for a person to not do that. I take off my metaphorical hat to anyone who is conscious enough to not pass on their trauma to their children.
To be clear, we're not saying that for example racism is inborn in reptilians -- reptilian racism is culturally enforced too.
Another interesting observation of this experiment was that people who are good-hearted tend to assume that everyone else has good intentions too. Unfortunately, that assumption isn't always true, and it allows nefarious actors to do huge amounts of damage. This is a significant issue on your world too.
So, some examples of reptilian influence in your culture is racism, sexism, violence, sexual violence and war.
Hedonism is another example of reptilian culture. And this illustrates why Earth culture is so schizophrenic, with society on one hand placing people on a pedestal who have expensive things, while on the other hand saying that people shouldn't be materialistic. This is hedonistic reptilian culture and non-materialistic human culture clashing. Frankly, living on Earth seems exhausting to me, in part due to its schizophrenic human - reptilian hybrid culture. It's really not normal for a culture to simultaneously glorify and demonize something, to simultaneously encourage and discourage people from pursuing a certain path.
Then there's dominance, which in reptilian culture is valued highly but not so much in human culture. And thus you see that dominant men are on one hand considered kind of sexy sometimes, but on the other hand, some people really don't like dominant type of behavior.
Power hierarchies are valued in reptilian societies, but not in human culture (although human cultures do have competence hierarchies). And so you have one group of Earth humans attacking hierarchies and one group of Earth humans defending hierarchies.
Competing with other people, in order to prove yourself better than them, is culturally reptilian. The human variant of this is trying to improve yourself, or just doing something to have experiences, or cooperating and contributing. And again we see the schizophrenic nature of Earth's reptilian - human hybrid culture. On one hand, sports stars are paid huge sums of money and they're famous, because they're good at proving themselves better than others at a particular sport. But on the other hand, if a teenager says "I am studying hard for this test to prove that I am better than other kids" then his parents would be concerned.
Earth culture also frowns on a sport star who publicly brags or who publicly says he's better than other people at the sport, even though him being better than other people at the sport is the whole reason why he's famous and rich in the first place. So he's rewarded for being better than other people, but he's not allowed to say he's better than other people. Which is again the schizophrenic nature of Earth culture. In reptilian culture no one frowns on people publicly saying they're better than other people -- the person making the claim might get challenged, but bragging isn't considered a bad thing when it's done by beings who can back it up.
If a man exploits people financially to become rich, then society says that's terrible, however on the other hand rich people are glorified. And rich men generally have an easier time dating than non-rich men. Again, on one hand we have the human value of not exploiting people, but on the other hand we have the reptilian value that people should strive to attain wealth and power in whatever way possible, and also the rich and powerful should be respected no matter how they gained their wealth or power.
Bodybuilders who use steroids to put on huge amounts of muscle, actually look about as close to a reptilian as you can get on Earth, because reptilians are large beings too with huge muscles and a very high strength. I'm not saying that bodybuilders are harming anyone or that bodybuilding should be banned or that bodybuilders are under a reptilian spell or anything. And wanting to be physically strong isn't a bad thing. Still, from our perspective, it's very strange that some people have perfectly beautiful bodies, and then they take steroids in order to put on huge amounts of muscle -- and in the process, actually look less like a human and more like a reptilian than they did initially.
Reptilian culture tightly controls sex, whether by physical force or through societal structures or shame. Conversely, we Pleiadian humans are very sexually free and have no sexual shame. And so Earth's hybrid culture leads to very confusing messaging surrounding sex. For example, women are told that they should have casual sex, and also told that they should not have casual sex.
Reptilian culture glorifies violence. And so you have teenagers playing video games where their character murders other people, in-game. This is very strange to us.
Reptilian culture glorifies exceptional individuals. And so Earth culture nudges people to almost worship celebrities or certain politicians or certain influential figures. However glorified individuals aren't supposed to say that they're amazing. Also, human culture tells people that great things are achieved via cooperation and because a lot of people worked hard, not just because one person made a decision that something should be done.
Reptilian culture says that people who struggle are that way because they're weak or lazy. Human culture says that people who struggle should be helped. And so on Earth, with its human - reptilian cultural mix, this issue is the topic of much debate and disagreement.
Most humans are attached to some parts of reptilian culture -- and of course, people have that free-will choice. For example, some people like hedonism and like expensive luxury goods. Some people like outcompeting other people for the dopamine and ego hit of feeling that they are better than someone else. Some people like violent video games. Some women are attracted to destructive or self-destructive men and those are culturally reptilian traits.
However, many people also don't like reptilian culture. Part of the current anti-man and anti-white sentiment is a poorly-aimed backlash against reptilian influence, for example. And as the energy on your world keeps rising, I expect that your culture will become more human-like and less reptilian-like over time.
I hope this was informative. If you've ever been confused or annoyed at the contradicting messages and values that you get from society, this may help explain why Earth culture is so confusing. I empathize -- it sounds very tiring and unfair to me to grow up with such conflicting messaging.
With love,
Your star brother,