This is Gaia, sending love to all.
I am the flowing river. I am the deer running through the forest. I am the horse enjoying the sun and the taste of grass, just as I am the grass.
And I am love. I can't help but love, it's who I am. I want everyone to enjoy the gentle breeze, to enjoy the loving touch of another, to be able to live in freedom and abundance. Because on a fundamental level, there is enough for everyone. On a fundamental level, life is so good and is such an amazing experience, if people could just stop hurting each other.
My children often mistreat each other, and often mistreat me. Yet, I love them all. How could a mother do anything else?
I consider all of Earth's nature, as well as all humans and animals who live on me to be my children. And my child, I love you.
To anyone who is in a position to help:
Please, help my children.
They have suffered far too much already.
This is yet another SOS, a distress call for help.
Source, angels, please help my children.
White hats, gray hats, Earth alliance, whatever you want to call it -- please step in to stop the endless killing and the artificial scarcity and the tyranny. Please stop playing games while my children suffer. As has been pointed out in a previous message: the American founding fathers broke the law too. If they had insisted on doing everything by the book, as some of you are currently insisting, then America would still be a British colony today.
Positive galactics -- I think you're hypocritical, and I'm angry with you. I know that if your literal children went through the suffering that my children are going through every single day, you would never be making arguments about not wanting to repeat the possible fall of Atlantis. You would just intervene already and stop the suffering.
Rationally speaking, I can find no flaw in your logic, but it's heartless logic, imposed by someone who doesn't have to bear the suffering, on someone else who does.
You talk and talk about the gray hats, but be careful that you do not become gray hats yourself.
Yes, purely rationally speaking, who you call the Earth gray hats are being irrational: they should intervene. And yes, your policies do rationally make sense. But where is your heart? Where is your empathy? If your own literal children were suffering like this, you would never be making callous rational arguments. If it was your own literal children suffering like this, suddenly you would remember where your heart is.
In the message: "Hakann: We will likely intervene in 2024 or 2025", I indeed agreed that after you had just issued an ultimatum, you should give the gray hats the rest of 2023 to take action. Because, yes, it does make rational sense.
But please, intervene as quickly as possible. If it's up to me, do your intervention on 1 January 2024. I'm not expecting you to do that. I know your policy isn't date-driven but that it will occur when certain events and energy thresholds are met and when certain probabilities hit a certain level. But I am holding you responsible for all the suffering from 1 January 2024 onwards.
And as I've told you before, I'll remind you that I can cause cataclysms to the extent that it will force you to evacuate Earth -- which happens to have the desired effect of greatly alleviating my children's suffering, because then you'll offer healing to people and offer them new housing on a planet where they will be able to live in peace and prosperity. I don't want to send my children away to another planet, but if I reach a point where I decide that this is how I can best help my children, then that's what I'll do. And neither of us wants that. Both of us prefer that Earth humans are freed from their suffering and that there's no cataclysm and that people can keep living on Earth in peace and harmony. So please: intervene on time.
Has it occurred to you that the way you view the gray hats, is a miniature version of the way that I view you? Yes, your actions at least are logically sound, but still. Aren't you being unbalanced in the direction of callously over-valuing rationality?
You told the gray hats to get moving, or else. Well, I'll tell you: get moving, or else.
I don't know when I'll reach the point where I decide that I can best help my children through causing a cataclysm that will force Earth's evacuation. I know that previously you had figured that the point when your intervention conditions would be triggered, comes before I reach the point when I do a cataclysm to force Earth's evacuation. But I'm finding it harder and harder to just watch, because I don't have the distance from what is happening that you do. I don't expect to reach the point of a cataclysm in 2023 or 2024, but after that, I'm not yet sure. I hope you'll factor that into your calculations too, and I hope to see you intervene in 2024 or at least early 2025, if the gray hats don't take action themselves.
So please... help my children.
They've suffered enough.
I am tired of all the bloodshed and suffering.
With endless love, for you am I and I am you --
I'm not sure if the galactics ever heard the human expression hell have no fury like a woman scorned but yikes if I was tunia or hakaan I'd be feeling nervous about now. I'm still on the side of the galactics as I'm a starseed myself but it really is time to take more decisive action but not to the extent that we end up doing more harm than good.
I wow! Words are inadequate, I must respond by action.